Saturday, October 12, 2024


Holidays are the best! And General Conference is one of our favorite holidays! What made this General Conference even better was that we spent it with our daughters, sons, and grandchildren. What a wonderful way to spend time with our prophets and leaders!

Red Skittle loves baking and making things with his aunt!
That smile and joy is contagious!
And I couldn't be happier cuddling my little Mango
during the Saturday afternoon session of Conference.
And hugging my Skittle while listening
to our church leaders.
Grandpa also helped quietly entertain
while we enjoyed the broadcast.
Between sessions, Skittle and I took a walk.
And, were silly with the Lillywhites!
I couldn't get enough of this sweet little girl!
And grandpa took a service nap with her too!
Don't forget the sweet roll tradition!
Jude really wanted some.

Then... Katia and Skylar took Mango to the pumpkin patch:

Katia is a wonderful mother to my granddaughter!
And Mango is definitely daddy's girl!
What a wonderful family!

And my niece had her baby! Luckily, GJ and I share grandkids, so I'm adding Lemon Drop to my growing list of grandchildren!

Mariah and Peter are so happy!
And little Lemon Drop was born JUST before Hurricane Milton in Florida.
Isn't she lovely?
Welcome to the world, Lemon Drop!

And this happened:

I love that Scott decorates his cubicle at work for the holidays!
I definitely help.
It's officially wear my eyeball hat and earrings time of the year!
Meanwhile, in primary, my accompanist, Brother Tyler, and I
caught the musical measles from the primary kids!

More pictures of Mango, just because she's adorable:

Grandkids and the Gospel of Jesus Christ really do make the happiest of moments!

Wednesday, October 9, 2024


I had the most wonderful week! I spent all week pretending to build castles, fighting creepers, walking Peek-a-choo, talking, laughing, pretending, reading, and frolicking with my adorable Red Headed Skittle! (Despite "playing" Minecraft and Pokemon, we didn't play one single computer game. It was all pretend in our imaginations.) I love this boy so much!
Of course, we started with a trip to the Lego Store.
AND he got to "build" 3 Lego people.
We spend over 3 hours at the children's museum.
It was so much fun - one on one!
He loved pretending to be a pilot!
And grocery shopping...
Then taking the groceries home.
And then going shopping AGAIN.
We played with colors.
He milked a cow.
And of course, he wanted to go fishing "like Cole!"
I went fishing too!
And the toy train station was HUGE and tons of fun!
Red Skittle had never done a puppet show before....
Dinosaurs rock!
And fixing a car requires a wooden hammer.
We experimented with water and objects.
I taught him how to use a washboard.
And he was spoiled with a Midnight Dragon puppet.
We also spent a few hours putting together a Minecraft sticker book.
He was soooo excited!
On one of our MANY walks to imagine....
And playing with filters on our phone.
And getting power from the Sand Monster.
At the park... on our adventure.
Climbing hills to fight dragons.
Looking for the North Pole.
And making Pumpkin Snickerdoodles.
This week was PERFECT! The last time Skittles visited, I wasn't feeling well. This week, I was. So it was so much fun to give him ALL my attention!
Here's the poem I wrote right before we took him home:

The purple potion gave him speed.
The blue brew made him strong.
He battled beasts and grappled giants.
He righted many wrongs.

Grandma was his sidekick.
She played along valiantly.
With swords in hand, they met their foes
And fought them gallantly.

They avoided lava and scaled mountains.
They seized Squirtle and wrestled withers.
Hand in hand, they created a world - 
Complete with axes, bows and zithers.

The 5-year-old hero continued to dream -
Never stopping his communication.
Grandma was delighted - 
What an impressive imagination!

Tuesday, October 8, 2024


Three weeks ago, Scott went to New York with Mark and Davis May. They went for a Monday night football game: Buffalo Bills against Jacksonville Jaguars. They had a fun weekend. They even got to go to the Sacred Grove and Niagra Falls and Joseph Smith's Homestead and Hill Cumorah.

The gang: Mark, Davis and Scott
Maybe we could call them the Three Amigos?!
at the Sacred Grove
Although some nearby home, was blasting the music "Sweet Child of Mine."
Davis mentioned that it was the same message but a different type of delivery system.
ha ha ha!
Buffalo won!
They all had a marvelous time!
Then two weekends ago, Cody ran a 27k here in Boise. He did a GREAT job! Kiara, Skittles and I cheered him on!

My handsome son... just before running 27k.
While Cody was running we enjoyed the music.
So did this preying mantis.
He was jammin'!
Cody made it!
And then almost fell over. Luckily, Kiara caught him.
I'm so proud of my oldest son!

Red Skittle's fall break was the week after the race. So I convinced Kiara and Cody to let him spend the week with me. We had soooo much fun, but I'll blog about that tomorrow.