Saturday, January 18, 2025


I got to kidnap my niece and nephew at the beginning of 2025. We crafted snowmen! SNOW much fun!!! I love these two kids SNOW much!
January 1st was COLD! It snowed. And yet... we all attempted a 5K. Cody actually ran 6 miles! Scott and I made it 2 1/2 miles. Mango and Red Skittle convinced Kiara, Katia, Sheila and Skylar to only go less than a mile. Ha ha ha!
The WHOLE DeGooyer Crew
Scott designed the shirts...
Mango was thrown into the photo because she's just so cute!
The Browns
The Lillywhites
Ready. Set. Go.
Kiara and Cody did a paint switch challenge with only one shade of color for a date last week:
I love these two kiddos!
Kiara Lea
Cody Hunter
Mango is five months old now!
5 Lego Flowers for our 5 month-old Granddaughter
Katia walking with her fam!
Mango cuddling her teddy!
And reading!
Red Skittle is getting some exercise.
He is growing up too fast.
I've been getting ready for the farmer's market. GJ and I are going to be selling lots of honey, AND...
pineapple jam
We call it Psyche Jam!
It looks like stars in a blood red sky...
Raspberry Jam
And Orange Delight
Otherwise known as Peach Jam!
I really do enjoy making jams! Still going to make more. I will be making pear jam and dandelion jelly (and some more of all the above too!)
Happy January so far!

Friday, January 10, 2025


I LOVE New Years Eve! And this year was perfect because of who we spent it with. FAMILY made my celebration absolutely splendid!

We started the celebration with commemorating Ken! Yes, he's a tax right off baby! And we were so thrilled to be invited to fondu to share in his birthday festivities. Happy Birthday, Ken!

We ate until we were stuffed!
But we sure do appreciate living close to my sister and father!
This boy LOVED the chocolate fondu - as you can tell from his chocolate mustache!
Then we continued the party at our own home. (Ken, GJ, and my dad don't enjoy staying up late, so they bowed out...) but we invited the Browns and Sheila to join us for food, fun, games, laughter, dancing, predictions, and, of course, making resolutions. Making resolutions is my favorite tradition.

Red Skittle

Having fun with Bael
The gang at midnight
Drinking problem?!
Don't worry it's Welch's Grape Juice.
Skittle is looking forward to 2025
So much fun dancing!
Crazy boys! Lobster and Skittles
Grandpa Ian loves our Mango
These two! Ha ha ha!
And these two! Man I love them all!
Yes... we match!
The OG DeGooyers
Scott, Kiara, Katia and Me
Perhaps my personal favorite part of the evening (aside from watching the girls [and Cody] dancing) was being with my grandchildren. I even got to finally "put them to sleep" after midnight while the others laughed together in the other room. It was absolute bliss cuddling these two precious children from God. I am so blessed!
My favorite name is Grandma!!!
Bring on 2025!