(Warning: This is a long post - so much to talk about: Spring, Dates, Basketball, Broadcasts from Utah, California, Germany and Books!)
It's SPRING! I LOVE Spring! And Monday was GORGEOUS - so we went walking with friends at Beckley Park (aka. the Egg Lawn)!
These crazy kiddos were walking backwards...?!
Maple, Kotten Kandy and Taffy
Little Jelly Bean loves his Kotten Kandy!
Kotten Kandy also decided to take a short break from school work on Tuesday and draw a beautiful Spring day... Isn't it pretty?!
Wednesday, Scott and I found ourselves kidless. (Kotten Kandy was at work and Fig Newton went to California for a week with friends.) So Scott and I celebrated by eating out at Texas Roadhouse and visiting about being "empty nesters." We also spent time at Lowe's dreaming and pricing things we need to make our home better! It's a strange stage of life we are in right now. But at least I get to experience it with my best friend. Scott is patient, passionate, dedicated, humorous and truly amazing! I'm blessed! And it's fun to hang out with him and spend time with him! I love him!

Friday night we went on a double date. It was the highlight of my week! I was sooooooooo excited to see the movie Beauty and the Beast. It was great! I loved it! I love musicals, Disney and romantic stories! Soooo - was there any question I would like it?! After the movie we ate dinner at The Blaze - Pizza and then played Compatability. (It's a fun, silly game - but does it mean anything that Scott and I always lose?!)
Double Dating with your daughter and Taffy was super fun!
Taffy, Kotten Kandy, Me and Scott
My cute, eternal date!
Saturday was Kotten Kandy's basketball game. They played against our good friends in Lagrange. So it was hard to just cheer for Shelbyville.... We decided we were equal opportunity cheerleaders and hecklers! :-) Kotten Kandy loves playing basketball - but she is embarrassed that she turns so red when she plays. (I actually think it's kinda cute!)
"Mom?! Really?! How embarrassing!"
Fast Break! Yeah, that's my daughter!
And she really hustles!
She likes defense best!
She shoots! She scores! Way to go, Kotten Kandy!
The team! Thanks, Ryan, for being an awesome coach!
Playing with besties is the best!
Apple Jacks, Kotten Kandy, Guarana, Rice Krispie and Chex
And after the games these cute girls worked hard, played hard and built lasting friendships!
I love these girls!
Sweet Tarts, Rice Krispie, Kotten Kandy and Maple
And Saturday night is one of my favorite semi-annual traditions - the General Women's Broadcast! And Chinese food before hand! And best friends! And learning/listening to our prophets and leaders! Who could ask for anything more?! (My favorite speaker was Sister Canton. Kotten Kandy liked Sister McConkie and Key Lime Pie [who watched it in Colorado with her grandma and aunt] liked Sister Burton! - Isn't that amazing that there is something for everyone in the Church?!)
YUM! (The egg drop soup really hit the spot for me tonight!)
These two couldn't stop laughing...
especially when Kotten Kandy hiccuped like a drunk.
Waiting for conference to start in 1 minute....
We all took tons of notes and enjoyed spending time with our daughters!
We really missed Kiara Lea! Mil and G.J. are so lucky to have her!
I just finished re-reading Words of Radiance by Brandon Sanderson. It was way better the second time... I was able to get so much more out of it. And like the first book in the series I had forgotten a lot and was able to re-remember why these books are some of my all time favorites! I'll probably re-read them again and again in the future!
And I finished reading Letters for Emily by Camron Wright. I really like this author. He also wrote The Rent Collector and The Orphan Keeper. Letters for Emily was sweet. It was short. But it was full of good advice and stories. I definitely recommend it.
So Fig Newton is in California with a few of her Thai friends. She's gone to Universal Studios and Disneyland. She has had soooo much fun! YAY that she sent me pictures to share:
And here's a bit from our German daughter... We really miss our Lollipop!:
Hello everyone,
I know it's been waaaay to long and I miss you so much. I will try my best to keep you updated more often. Anyway the reason I've been so busy is, that I got a scholarship. Basically what I do now is to study at a University Campus besides school. I'm in first semester Business Administration. Next week I'll attend a seminar on psychology from an economic perspective. I sometimes feel like I'm studying to much as classes are also during weekends. But I have a couple of things to look forward to. My birthday is in roughly two months and I'll be flying to Rome. It's not my first time in Italy but I'll see the capital for the first time. I have to think about my Colorado Grandparents whenever I'm looking at pictures of the beautiful city. As you can see my weeks and the holidays are packed but I still need to fit classes for my drivers license in. Today is my first Saturday off in weeks and I will go out with friends to enjoy the weather that's been clearing up lately a little. I'm glad I can be part of you life while reading in sunshine sentiments. But is there anything else going on in your life's right now? Maybe we can skype soon.
Love and miss you