This week was amazing! Hard, but oh so good! I really wanted to write a long detailed letter today, because so much has happened this week. However, I am left with little time in the day, laundry that still needs to be done, and a stomach that is growling. So, I'd first like to say "Happy Fall!" It's finally, and officially, here!
Quick Snapshot of the Week:
*We listened to President Nelson's Broadcast and it was so good! "Truth is truth!"
*We painted with Yoda (We call him that because he is the paint master, his name is actually John) :) The set is really coming together!
*I went on 3 exchanges with Sister Oldroyd. 2 of them were quick exchanges, and the last one was a full day. Sister Coleman likes to say that miracles happen on exchanges, and we definitely saw some. Sister Oldroyd and I found 2 people! Hong and Mandy.
*We got to go to the temple with our Zone. It was so amazing, the Idaho Falls temple is beautiful! It honestly felt like home.
*Zone Council was so incredibly good! There are some great things happening in Chubbuck Zone!
*On Wednesday, Sister Coleman locked our keys in the car. So we walked to dinner- it was a 30 minute walk so we were a little late. It was pretty great! 
*We helped someone move into their home.
*I finally got to drive!!!
*Sister Oldroyd and I got to dogsit our mission president's dog! Poky!
*Today I played softball for the first time. I'm still unsure on the rules...but it was fun!
This week was amazing! There were a couple of hard patches, but I prayed my way through them. I am convinced that what President Nelson said was true. Reading from The Book of Mormon and praying will help you get through anything. And if that still doesn't seem to be working remember that reading the Book of Mormon amd praying without the intent to act is worthless. When you get out there and testify your life improves by so much. Testifing feels so good! Try it! Share your testimony as often as you can, bare it honestly, sincerely, and simply. It doesn't always have to be an elaborate story, it often can be the simple, "I know that my Heavenly Father loves me, and I know that he loves you too." I know that, I hope whoever is reading this knows that too.
Love ya bunches,
Sister DeGooyer
Matching... It wasn't on purpose.
Sister Oldroyd and Poky
We made the same face! This picture is too good not to share!
Okay... I took quite a few pics of Poky.
Weekly Temple Picture - They put up a retaining wall so now we can't see half of it.