That's right, 100+ days left on my mission and I changed my email picture. It is an adorable depiction of me holding a puppy- enjoy for the next however long!
Reflections about life, my incredibly sweet husband, my talented and beautiful daughters, the ups and downs of homeschooling, and my love for My Savior.
Monday, September 28, 2020
Sudden realizations of how much time I have left keep hitting me. I am out of the dread and denial stage, now I am in the "live every day like it's your last" stage. Horah for Israel! I love this work, and I will enjoy it while I still have it in this pure form! ;)
This week was loco, that's right, ya girl is speaking spanish. You are now looking at a certified Hermana. I am debating whether I should buy a name tag just for kicks. I have been an Hermana for the last 2 days... not sure how long it will last. It could end tomorrow, but it could last for another 4 weeks. I absolutely love it, the food is so good and the people are so genuine! Sacrament yesterday was a bit confusing, but I managed to take the bread and water and that is all that matters! :)
Trio life is a little bit too much fun, so I don't know how much longer it'll be like this. We all get along, and we teach incredibly well together.
We had the first mission conference in 9 months this week! It was incredible! 250+ missionaries gathered in Poky- social distancing style. We had to stay within our assigned zone. I stood on top of my chair and shouted my hello to some of my best mission friends. I may have looked like a crazy, but at least I was following the rules! #exactobedience :) I saw Horton, Robin, Greenwood, Morales, Moreno, Clark, Gilson, Soto, and Stichart. Those are just a couple of the names you might know from the past. It was good to see them, even if I could not converse.
Our conferences are always themed, this one was complete with native american traditional dancers. A family that we are teaching were the stars of the performance! When they came on stage, Sister Brooks and I could not hold down our excitement! It took a lot to get them on that stage, but we got it and hopefully there will be a baptism and future sealing here soon!
Brad Wilcox also made an appearance. He spoke to us for almost 2 hours, quite nearly. It was incredible! He talked about the logistics and finer details of gathering Israel. As a person who loves and craves knowledge, my page was covered in notes. It was incredible, if this email weren't already too long, I would detail it all for you! He talked a lot about Birthright, which gave me chills as he explained that each one of us is different from the rest of the world because of our divine birthright. He said "Don't let the world change you, when you were born to change the world." It was incredible! If you want to hear more about it, shoot me an email and I will either voice record my notes to you or write them all out. :) It's all too good not to share!
President and Sister Southward spoke to us, and as always I learned so much from them. I love them and it is a privilage to learn from them. This time around it was all about listening to and following the Spirit.
There was lots of service this week- that will be depicted in the pictures at the end of this email.
This week was so incredible, I can't wait to see what is in store this upcoming week!
Ooooo, uno more thought! I read the story of the Anti- Nephi- Lehi's this week! As always there is a lot that comes to mind as you read a story as incredible as that one! I went through the record of their conversion and I wrote down the individual things they did to become such a converted people. It's a long list, but it's beautiful, so I will take the liberty and type it out for you!
- learn all you can
- lay down weapons of rebellion and hurt
- called by a new name
- friendly
- repentant
- walk in the ways of the Lord
- always look to Christ
- be reliant upon the spirit of prophesy #GeneralConferenceisin5days
- perfectly honesy
- zealous
- endured to the end
Happy General Conference everyone, please, feel free to email me your insights! I'll do the same next week! Muchas love, mi amigos and familia!
Hermana DeGooyer
P.S. soooo apparently I didn't take the service pictures... I will track down who did and they will be sent shortly. If no pictures come, then you know that my search failed.
Monday, September 21, 2020
There were a couple of really good things that happened this week, but a couple of things that weren't the best as well. The week seemed to pass by sooo quickly, and it will go on record as one of the fastest on my mission!
Good news or bad news first?
I got to attend the temple for the first time in 8 months. My companion was able to finally take out her endowment. The whole experiance is one that I will not likely forget. It was vastly different than a normal trip to the temple, however, it was so incredibly special. I came with a couple questions and recieved an answer to all and even some that I hadn't even known that I wanted to ask.
The crowning moment was at the end when I got to see all of the families together. It made me realize so truly and firmly, that joy can be found even sitting all alone. We can truly feel the joy of others as we allow our hearts to be happy for them. It helps when you have had experiences that are near what those around you are having.
Bad news:
This week was kinda crazy, lots of random exchanges and things. One of my best mission friends is having to go home for some medical reasons. It hurts to see her go, especially seeing how bad she wants to stay and continue to be a missionary. I'm praying that after everything gets figured out that she'll come back out. So, please prayers for her.
I've been studying, praying, and searching a lot lately. I read a gem this week in personal study. Alma 19:36 "And thus the work of the Lord did commence among the Lamanites; thus the Lord did begin to pour out his Spirit upon them; and we see that his arm is extended to all people who will repent and believe on his name." This is the qualification, and the blessing. We must continue to repent daily and believe on his name without ceasing. I am so grateful for my Savior, and his infinite grace and mercy!
Much love,
Sister DeGooyer
Hot Chocolate, anyone?!
My Peeps
Temple Update
Monday, September 14, 2020
"The world is indeed full of peril and in it there are many dark places. But still there is much that is fair. And though in all lands, love is now mingled with grief, it still grows, perhaps, the greater." -The Fellowship of the Ring
[We had transfers this pday, which meant we had to start a new district chat and end the old. I finally got my every time petitioned name: The Fellowship #bestdistrict #wearegonnakillit]
This week passed by slow, but quick. I'm sure y'all can understand and relate. Sometimes I feel as if I am in the shire, living a happy, peaceful life. I eat sometimes more than one dinner at night. I read the best books and spend my time doing the best kind of work. I am wholley detached from the bigger world. We hear bits and peices, but not a ton. What we do hear is tell of war, suffering, and pain. Someday, I will have to return to the land of Gondor.
Welllllllll, that's the end to my middle earth ramblings. Troubles find you wherever you may be, even in the shire, this week I spent a good chunk throwing up. Oooooh, but I hate being sick, specifically because it stops me from working, so I pushed through. Honestly, I probably would have gotten better quicker if I had taken a break but it was more along the lines of: eat something; throw it up; go out and teach a lesson; come back; throw up; go out and contact. For all of you paranoid of germs, I washed my hands often; always wore a face mask; and I did not get too close to people. None of my roomates got sick, and so I think it was just a four day fluke. It was miserable, but I got a blessing and I am doing much better now.
Despite that setback, this week was incredibly good! It was transfers and our whole house stayed which was a blessing! I love these sisters
Transfer day, I spent cleaning the heck out of a new sister apartment. It had been inhabited by Elders and... it sufficeth me to say that it did stink and that it was quite gross. #lifeofanstl
I had to drop a sister at the transfer site and I figured I would just go in my service clothes. I smelled like cleaner and looked anything but clean. So, I tried to remain unobtrusive, BUT Elder Robin was there and I just could not stay in the car. Oh goodness, I love that Elder, he's my fam. I saw a number of other old acquaintances and companions, who somehow picked me out of the crowd of nicely dressed missionaries. Maybe wearing my DeGooyer Day shirt that day wasn't the most genius of ideas.
We found 4 people this week! 3 of them just last night! I will tell you about them, without disclosing too much. #iwishprivacylawsweren' tathingordoi
We have started teaching a man we shall call Stanley. He has a Sheep named Sheep, who is indeed housebound. Stanley isn't the biggest believer of Jesus, but I threw in the parallel between him and his sheep and Jesus and himself. I think it softened his heart quite a bit.
[sidenote: we split our area with the Elders soooo, they now have Stanley. RIP. We brought him fresh corn on the cob as a goodbye gift]
Elizabeth is next (again, I must disclose that this is not her actual name). We met her last night, it was our second to last contact of the night. We were trying to come up with a subtle, but good excuse to be at her door. Right as we were walking up to her door I swallowed a bug. Therefore, as I tried coughing it up, I came up with the genius idea to ask for water and compare Christ to the living water. It was a bit on the nose, but life is best lived that way.
My plan unfortunately, is not worth sharing, because I did not get the chance to execute it. Elizabeth opened the door and she was crying. We stood there on her porch for nearly an hour, telling her how much God loves her. We told her that God specifically sent us to her, and He did. We picked her home out of a number that we could have chosen. By the end numbers were exchanged and we told her we would come back on Wednesday. My heart was breaking by the time we left and my companion was nearly in tears.
Spencer and Sam
Sam is a member and she is just wonderful. We were sent to their home by our wonderful YES list #iloveourmembers We talked with them about modern day revelation. The Spirit was there as we talked about prophets throughout time and even the opportunity to recieve our own guidence through the Spirit. Spencer listened and in the end they both invited us back. :)
We knocked on Ben's door a week ago and he told us his parents weren't home. We knocked on his door last night and he said his parents were busy. We came back 30 minutes later and knocked again and he let us in! Hallelujah! Ben is about 11 years old and he is the funniest kid I have ever met. We were in their home for almost an hour. It was so fun, and they are such a good family. We talked a lot about Jesus Christ being the greatest leader to have lived, especially since Ben is a "student leader." It was fun and I almost died laughing about 5 times. It was a home where you walk in and feel instantly comfortable. We asked if we could come back and teach their family the series of lessons we teach, both Ben and his mom said yes. Again, this one came from the members! 
We split our area with the Elders, which was sad. We knew that it would happen all of last transfer and we knew which wards we would be giving them. We put a lot of prayer into it, but ultimately the answer was clear. We gave them whitaker and canterbury. We decided that we wanted to hand the Elders solid wards though, so that they could hit the ground running. We lost more than half of our teaching pool, however, God is already helping us rebuild. :)
Y'all it was a great week despite the opposition!
Rando scripture: "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." Ephesians 6:12 The war is against sin, not each other. Now go to people, be unified, and spread goodness wherever you can. Heaven knows our world needs more of it.
Love ya much, Sister DeGooyer
P.S. last week was so good too! We had MLC, it was military themed. We had to run through an obstacle course and then carry our companion back. It was so much fun! Also, I got to see Sister Horton!! She sang, dang, I miss hearing her sing. She gave me my bubbles. She broke her foot or something, I don't know, just keep her feet in your prayers. Danke!
Sunday, September 13, 2020
Happy Grandparents Day! We had to celebrate. Scott created shirts, we purchased medals, and did our own Grandparents Day 5K! Of course, we took our adorable grandson! It was an early morning... but it was worth it!
It was dark for most of our "race." But it was beautiful and not too hot.
We did it! 5K
Scott made our amazing shirts complete with a photo of us with our grandchild!
We love this little guy!
"Like Regular Parents Only Grander!"
The past two weeks have been busy and joyful.We took the Sister Missionaries to dinner at Claudia Sanders. Sister Wooley and Sister Wolfey are wonderful!
I wanted a salad. It was sooo pretty!
We love Sister Missionaries! Thanks for giving up 18 months of your lives!
Kiara and I also attended a really fun baby shower for our dear friend, Courtney! Her little girl is set to arrive ANY day now! I can't wait to huggle her!Courtney is so wonderful!
Scott made an amazing unicorn cake for Raisin's 5th birthday. She LOVED it!Raisin is growing up too fast!
I beg her to stop growing... but she keeps flaunting the fact that she is!
What a talented husband I have!
And, of course, this spirited grandchild of ours keeps us laughing.That smile!
We let him paint, through plastic, with us every Sunday night.
He's feeding himself. He wants to be a big boy!
Amongst the dino plushies!
"I'm adorable!"
Our little Red Skittle is sporting a Red Fireman's Hat!
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