This month I have challenged myself to be more grateful. I have tried to post something every day on FB that I am grateful for. I challenged myself to go beyond the usual (God, family, friends, nature, and the gospel posts) and post things that point to those things. It's been fun! And Thanksgiving Day embodied all of the above. I love our Thankgiving traditions that focus on everything and everyone we love!
We began with our traditional Turkey Trot (complete with new shirts for the event - by Scott!) It was a beautiful day in nature. The weather was AWESOME! The company was BETTER! And it was GOREOUS! (The only thing that could have made it better was if our extended families could have joined us. But we truly love our Kentucky family! And wouldn't trade them for the world!) I may have taken too many pictures....
Our Kentucky Family
The Lillywhties proudly display the shirts!
Walking... and I got to hold my eternal companion's hand and Jelly Bean's hand!
Joy is walking with our family!
Love my grandson!
He's sooooo cute!
And he makes everyone smile!
Raisin kept up on her bike!
We did it! Turkey Trot 5K!
This picture made me laugh!
All the Bettenhausens look onward while Starburst sleeps....
Dang! I love this family!
Raisin, Mark and Marmalade are so cool!
I absolutely adore this small family!
My grandson, my son, and my daughter!
Then our dinner was, again, more than we needed or deserved. So we shared. Amy, Kiara and I made sure Katia and her companions had enough and then reached out to our wonderful sisters in the branch! We love them so much! We made them the exact same meal we enjoyed. (Wish they could have joined us at our home - but they were unable too.)
Sister Wolfley, Sister Wooley, Sister Larson and Sister Powell
As we all discussed what we were grateful around our own Thanksgiving feast, I felt joy at the heartfelt expressions of gratitude that were given by all of the kids! AND my favorite expression of thanksgiving came from my own, sweet, adorable grandson! When his mother asked him what he was grateful for, everyone watched as he turned right towards me and smiled! He is definitely thankful for his grandma!!!!!!!
Giving Thanks!
We are cute!
We played games and crafted the rest of the evening. Which is exactly the way I like it! I always come up with a craft (tradition) for the kids on Thanksgiving. This year we made Christmas wreaths out of pool noodles! I think they turned out fantastic!
Besties (Skittles and Starburst) playing with cars!

Kiara - Marmalade - Apple Pie - Nuts - Jacob
Me - Jelly Bean - Raisin
Scott and I are so grateful for friends! We are so grateful for family! And we are most grateful for our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! Happy Thanksgiving!