Monday, June 24, 2024


Two weeks ago, we had a baby shower for my first granddaughter! I can't wait to meet her! Katia was spoiled rotten! And it was wonderful to spend time with all of our family! I so love all of these amazing women! And I hope my little Burnsy realizes how loved and wanted she is!
Women who will definitely be good influences in my granddaughter's life!
Katia is loved and blessed!
Books, Stuffed Animals, Blankets...
Treats for Mama
Love that smile!
She will be a wonderful mother!
Since Kiara came for her sister's baby shower, she also brought her family. That means I got to spend time with my favorite red head! And we also got to meet Brin, their new dog.
Bubble Mowing Rocks!
Working with tools.
A boy and his dog.
Red Skittle is helping his grandpa.
Two of my favorite people...
I love these guys soooo much!
Snacking with double fists!
And homemade popsicles! 
Red Skittle and Brin
Man's best friend!
Cookie Mustache
GJ and I also celebrated our birthdays early by going to see the show "To Kill a Mockingbird."  It is one of our favorite books. Unfortunately, this retelling was awful. They changed the story so that it was no longer a great story with iconic, heroic characters, but instead it was a preachy, woke, lecture about how awful the white race is. They changed the characters fundamentally. We were disappointed. But we enjoyed hanging out together and talking about one of our favorite books.
My Best Friend and Me
And I have to mention how cool my dad is. He's the best! Spending Father's Day with him is one great reason for moving to Idaho 10 months ago. My dad is truly an inspiration to me.
Just a dad with his girls!
#MyDad'sBetterThanYour Dad

Tuesday, June 11, 2024


The past week and a half has been such a blessing for Scott and me. We spent the entire week with his family. 

We began by attending our niece's wedding reception. I don't know why I didn't take pictures. I guess I was too busy catching up with my wonderful nieces and nephews. It was wonderful to see them and spend an evening with them.

Scott and I got to go to the Layton Temple open house. And we also went to the new St. George Temple.

Layton Selfie
With Stacey and Whitney
St. George is gorgeous!
We enjoyed hanging out with mom, dad, and Stacey all week. We visited. Laughed. Made (and ate) delicious food. Watched old movies. And the highlight was the double birthday party celebrating my handsome husband and his 80 year old father! All of Scott's siblings were able to come for the party! It was great (and a bit emotional) to all be together. 

Donuts for the Birthday Boy
Yes, Pink Box Donuts are AMAZING!
Happy 51st Birthday, Scott!
Happy 80th Birthday, Dad!
Blowing out the candles....
Getting dad to make a happy face was difficult. He's sooo silly!
The DeGooyer Boys!
The OG DeGooyers
Stacey - Kevin - Scott - Brett - Kerri
Mom - Dad
Scott still has his hair!
Mom saw this incredible rainbow cloud.
It was GORGEOUS! This picture doesn't do it justice.
In other news, I got to work at the preliminary election polls two weeks ago: 

And we have GORGEOUS flowers (roses) blooming at our house:

And our daughters are happy too:

Like father, like son!
Cody and Red Skittle
Kiara with her cousins (Shanae and Cole)
Sunburned afterwards....
Burnsy is hiking with her mom
Jude is hiking with his "dad?!"
Skylar and Katia
Life is good!