Look at my face... it says it all! Along with the excitement, came tears of pure joy!

I must have the most wonderful friends in the world! Michelle Moore and Amy
Bettenhausen surprised me this evening.

Scott and I went out to dinner for his company's Christmas dinner. While we were gone, Michelle and Amy redecorated my music room/studio. It's more amazing than I ever imagined!
Here are some

Here are the afters:

I love the details! The framed picture on the desk with a photo of my students in it! It says: "Music Can Change the World!" And I LOVE the treble clef clock on the right side of the book shelves. The book shelves are AMAZING! I have truly missed all my books that were in storage! And the decopaged music above my piano and on both sides of the window are sooooooo neat!
Michelle and Amy are truly inspired! I am truly blessed!
Very cool surprise. And what a sweet room for your music stuff. You really do have some unbelievable friends. I am very happy for you.