1. Organizing your coupons is the most important thing. I am going to try the binder method and categorize all my coupons by products; ie. bread, meat, condiments, breakfast, frozen, canned goods, produce/deli, baking, cleaning, beverages, snacks, cosmetics, toiletries, etc.
2. I learned that the best place to gather coupons is the Sunday paper. Scott and I are signing up for a subscription. I also can go to a few on-line sources, and use in-store coupons.
3. Our instructor suggested that we pick one store to start and get familiar with that store and it's coupon policies. I've chosen Kroger.
4. Most people want to use their coupons immediately, but it pays to wait and use the coupons with sales. Also, stores that "stockpile" coupons are a good thing. (Stockpile means to use more than one coupon per item; ie. a manufacturer's coupon and a store coupon.) Kroger's stockpiles coupons.
5. Our teacher also gave us many websites to check out. www.Hip2Save.com has lots of freebies. She also suggested www.SoutherSavers.com for people who lived in this area.
I'm excited to begin!
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