I was so excited to come home this evening and tell everyone about the funny film we just watched with our friends the Caswells. Then, we came home to a mess... (More about that in the bad news...) We just watched a really hilarious movie called "What's Up Doc" starring Barbra Streisand. Scott and I laughed out loud! They don't make movies like that any more!
When we came home, our front room was flooded and the water heater under the stairs was pouring out water. Somehow it broke. Our food storage is also under the stairs so the four of us move the jars of food to the kitchen.
As the food was being moved, a box of canned pork and salsa was dropped on the carpet. Two jars of pork and one jar of salsa broke. We now had two HUGE messes to clean. I quickly googled salsa stains... we did our best trying to clean up the mess, but I'm afraid it's a lost cause. Kotten Kandy cut her foot pretty badly on the broken glass. (Luckily the blood did not get all over the carpet.)
I just feel like crying....

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