Saturday, January 17, 2015


I realized the other day that I have read 3 books that I never shared on my blog.  So today, I am rectifying that oversight.  (I have been having a difficult first trimester of my pregnancy and so I have not read as much as I would like.  But my energy is returning since I am now in my second trimester.  And I hope to read a lot in the next few months.)
For Christmas, Amy got me a book I really wanted to read.  I was wishing out loud about wanting to read this biography and she heard me.  The book:  As You Wish by Cary Elwes.  Full disclosure:  I am a HUGE fan of The Princess Bride.  So when I heard that Wesley (aka. Cary Elwes) had written a biography of the making of the movie, I instantly wanted to read it.
This book was extremely entertaining.  Cary Elwes has such a conversational tone throughout the book.  It was like sitting down and talking to him in person.  I laughed at a lot of the stories.  I was surprised at some of the accidents that happened on set.  I was impressed with the dedication for the sword fight.  And intrigued by the behind the scenes work that went into making the movie.
Not only did I learn a lot about the filming of this classic, I also grew to love the cast through Cary Elwes stories.  Fezzik, the Giant, was an amazing, loving man who struggled with his health and with peoples' reactions to his giant-ness.  Miracle Max was hilarious and unscripted.  And I love Inigo Montoya (Mandy Patinkin) who also starred in my favorite crime drama "Criminal Minds" and was the reason I started watching "Criminal Minds" to begin with.
OK, so I have babbled on and on.  Truly this is a book that is just a fun, refreshing, encouraging read.
I also read The 7 Paths by the Anasazi Foundation.  This one was recommended by Scott Larson more than once so I broke down and purchased it.  I'm really glad I did.
This short, yet powerful, book was written in poetic stanza form.  It follows the journey of a young man that flees his people in anger, only to find himself at first confronted and then healed by the seven paths in nature that eventually lead him back home.  Each path, such as wind, or water, or plants help him to heal emotional wounds and help him to walk forward being more positive and creating his best self.  This young man gains clarity and truth and is able to reflect on his own heart.
I love that this book is simple, yet significant.  It helped me to reflect on my own experience with the world, and to draw parallels to the gospel throughout my reflection.  This is a book that takes time to read, although it is simple and short.  I recommend pondering and taking notes as you read this book.  It could be a life-changer.  My favorite path = the Plant Path.
Dad sent me Major Decisions by Eyring about two months ago.  I hadn't sat down to read it until about 3 weeks ago.  Wow!  I LOVE it!  I wish I had read something like this before I went to college 24 years ago.  It's entertaining and easy to read.  And I hope all kids before they go to school read this.  It is now required reading for my kids as they approach their college years.  And I've been recommending it to all of my fellow-home-school mothers to get for their teenage kids.
I started reading this book by myself, but then moved on to reading it out loud to my husband (who also enjoys it.)  The intended purpose of this book is to help both current and prospective college students to get the most out of their college experiences.  "Probably the most important thing I've learned about higher education is this:  you can get everything you hope for - and more - if you take personal responsibility for the design and construction of your education.  The key is to be your own 'general contractor,' the one who puts all of the pieces of a higher education together according to a careful personal plan."  Thanks, dad, for this GREAT book/resource.


  1. I want to read The Seven Paths! Sounds soooooo good!

  2. Sundy Lea, you are a reader like somebody else I know - lots, varied, and thoughtful. I'm glad you liked the book your Dad sent. He was way anxious for you all to read it - especially the older grand kids. I wish I'd read it before becoming a student at BYU - let alone before my Masters. Anyway, I admire you in many ways. Hang in there! Love, Mom
