I'm pretending that January and February didn't happen. I'd rather focus on the positive of 2015, and those two months were not happy ones for us. But here is the rest of 2015....

A McCallister family reunion in Colorado was SUPER fun
and just what I needed to get passed my depression...

Key Lime Pie got a job at the movie theater. She loves it!
Ask her about her memorable (and embarrassing) first day of work....

And the girls won back to back basketball championships in our stake.

Cousins came to visit us in Kentucky. These girls ROCK!!!

Key Lime Pie went to 3 different Proms...
She loves dancing! And she loves music!

And Kotten Kandy "starred" in The Wizard of Oz.
She stole the show as a beautiful, bad witch who rode a vacuum cleaner.

We celebrated a "JURASSIC" DeGooyer Day!

We had a photo shoot with a friend who was moving away.

The girls went to Youth Conference in Kirkland, Ohio.

And Kotten Kandy and I went to Colorful Colorado
for 2 weeks of fun with my family!

She even learned to butcher rabbits....

Scott and I celebrated our 20th wedding anniversary
at BYU Education Week. It was AWESOME!

We got Lollipop! She is AMAZING!
And we truly love having our foreign exchange daughter!

Amy had her baby! Welcome, Raisin!

Scott took the girls to a baseball game.

And later this month we went to a professional football game. GO J-E-T-S! (They won!)

We went to the Airforce Museum. So much fun!

And Halloween ROCKED! Check out our pirate costumes!

NaNoWriMo - We won!
Family Pictures - We loved them!

Paintball - the girls had so much fun!

Mockingjay - our favorite movie of the year!
And our favorite tradition comes to an end....

Thanksgiving with our bestest friends! We are blessed!

Celebrating Christmas ALL month long...
and we LOVED having my parents come visit with us!!!!
We are really looking forward to 2016!
Me first? Only because GJ is in Idaho, right? What a full year! Now, what do you think 2016 will hold? MOM