Tuesday, November 1, 2016


NaNoWriMo kicks off today!  The DeGooyers and Bettenhausens have dubbed ourselves The Shelbyville Scribes.  We will be found mostly behind our computers typing furiously in Word Perfect documents.
Our kick-off starts an 12:01 AM on November 1st.  We furiously scribbled and typed while drinking caffeine and eating lots of unhealthy snacks!  So much fun!  Check us out:
Once again, I am being a rebel.  I am writing poetry instead of a novel.
My goal = 2 poems/day for the month of November.
Thanks to Scott and Kotten Kandy, I have a beautiful laptop (named Syl) to use!
Scott is excited about his novel...  He is really gung-ho this year!
He stayed awake ALL night 
and came in second with his word count at 10 AM.
Mark gave up soda.
But without the caffeine he still got a good start on his book.
(Unfortunately I didn't get a pic of my BFF!
Amy wrote the most words last night!  She ROCKS!)
Kiara face-timed us to join in the fun and writing.
Her book sounds fascinating!
And we're so glad she's joining us even though she is 23 hours away....
This girl LOVES NaNoWriMo!
She's won a few times!
And plans to win again this year!
Her new laptop is named Boots 
after the 2 year old sister of Gregor, the Overlander.
Fig Newton is writing with us!
Yahoo!!!!  She especially loved the Sun Chips!
And she wrote 2,000 words last night!
Juice is writing too!
He laughs at his own writing often....
Which makes me laugh.
Nuts is planning on joining us this year!
I believe in him!  And I'm proud of his willingness to write!
Marmalade is really excited about her novel!
She's even given herself a pen name:  M.B. Crystal
Apple Pie is illustrating his book!
We think it's AWESOME to encourage writers at a young age!
And so,,,,
Raisin played an important role in our festivities!


  1. Ok, so it is NaNoWriMo! I've tried saying it, but couldn't quite get it just in the hearing. Now I can say it and also say it makes sense! "WriMo" being Writing Month, right? I was thinking it was something about rhyming, but never mind me... Best of Luck to ALL of YOU! Mom/Mil

  2. Oh Yeah! Well I worte 600 owrds, but they were REALLY good words.
    Grandpa Mac

  3. Fun once more at the DeGooyers. Do you ever NOT have fun? ;)
