Sunday, January 22, 2017


Yesterday was my Thai daughter's 16th birthday!  And she shares the same birthday with another one of my favorite people:  Rice Krispie.  So naturally we celebrated!  We had a party - complete with cake, presents and really good friends!
This crazy bunch of teenagers rock!
I love having kids at my house!
Rice Krispie and Fig Newton share a birthday!
Rice Krispie is 13 and Fig Newton is 16!
Scott made the cake!
He is sooooooooooooo amazing!
Fig Newton wanted a squid cake and Rice Krispie loves music.  Hence, a musical squid cake!
He spent all day in the kitchen....
I think it turned out great!
Singing "Happy Birthday!"
Playing a hitting game...  I didn't understand it, but it was funny to watch.
Taffy made a whip - so everyone tried it out... even Scott!
"Do the whip!  Do the nae nae!"
Taffy and Scott tried communicating on "old fangled technology." 
Fig Newton was really excited by her gift from Kotten Kandy.
Koala is to Fig what Sloth is to Kotten Kandy....
Opening presents if fun!
Happy Birthday, to my beautiful Thai daughter!
She brings us such joy and laughter!
We LOVE her and are glad she came to us in Kentucky!


  1. Scott is amazing! How does he do it! Happy Birthday Girls!!!

  2. Wow, to celebrate with the DeGooyers brings us to a whole new level. Quite the occasion you guys! Happy Day! Mom/Mil
