Friday, April 27, 2018


Adorable girls!
Shanae, Kiara and Kotten Kandy
The Bachelorette Gang!
Kotten Kandy threw a Bachelorette Party for Kiara the night before the wedding.  We laughed and celebrated the fact that she was about to marry a Texan!  And who doesn't love Texas Roadhouse?!
This was definitely a "Kiara Style" Bachelorette Party - 
Complete with wholesome fun, no insanity and people invited over 40 years old!
The older generation joined in the fun with the hats...
Although I'm not sure we (by we I mean I) pull it off as cute as the girls.
She is such a happy girl!
We loved celebrating her big day!
Can you believe we got Mil to wear a hat?!
I think she looks pretty darn good in it!
Sisters! Forever!
Lively Cowgirls!
Kotten Kandy wanted a little more craziness - so Kiara modeled her new robe for us all.
The best part was the goodnight story read by Kotten Kandy and Shanae - written by Kiara - and edited/compiled by Amy....  It was a fun, sometimes hilarious, night!


  1. It was a fun night indeed! Loved being out with my favorite people!!!

  2. More forever memories. We are blessed. Mom/Gma Mil
