Sunday, December 9, 2018


We have been so blessed to have a "family" right here in Kentucky: the DeThortenhausens.  And our "family" always celebrates the holidays together - so DeThortenhausen Christmas is always something special!
The DeThortenhausens
(Amy and Mark and taking the picture)
We celebrated big this year because we weren't able to spend Thanksgiving together.  Dinner was turkey, ham, mashed potatoes, rolls, squash casserole, green bean casserole, stuffing, and pies.
My cute husband!
Amy and Raisin
Apple Pie and Nuts
Doesn't Apple Pie kinda look like Harry Potter
with his brother's glasses?  He just needs a scar!
The only way to get these two in a picture is to not
let them know you are taking one...
Chris and Juice
Jelly Bean, Marmalade and Hammond
Raisin with her parents...
The De part of DeThortenhausen!
Then we opened thoughtful gifts from each other.  We laughed.  We shared excitement.  We felt loved.
Every year Scott and I get "our" kids books!
This year we added blankets.
Only 3 and already reading!
Nuts cracked me up with his gift for Scott...
The hot chocolate mug says "Drink Up"
Nuts needed to remind him to only drink "non-alcoholic."
I laughed out loud!
Chris thought Scott and Mark NEEDED wrestling masks...
Their alter-egos definitely came out!
And Jelly Bean wanted to join in.
Scott looked so weird with hair...  😛😛😛
Katia gave very thoughtful (and random) gifts to everyone.
Everyone felt loved by her and will miss her next year when she's
on her mission....  Marmalade loved the fox wrapped around the pineapple.
She is begging to save the life of the pineapple.  😂😂😂
Katia LOVES her nice, warm, beautiful, comfortable robe.
And Raisin's tinsel and box of cereal from Katia were a huge hit.
We also played games and had a Nerf War.  (This was the 2nd annual Nerf War!)
Katia loves dressing up for the war...
Love this "family" we've made!
Wow!  I can't tell you how grateful for our Kentucky family!
She wanted in on the wrestling action.
Scott looked soooo funny!
Our Christmas princess!
And here's a picture to remind you how weird my daughter is.
She brought her bed to the front room.
She's doing her homework while "sitting" in front of 
a fake fire on TV.
This daughter of mine also claims you can make a nativity out of ANYTHING.
To prove her point, she created this unusual nativity to add to my collection:


  1. What a fun bunch of people! :D I love that Katia Rae!!! She is my kinda kid / Young Lady. <3

  2. Thanks for sharing, and 'hi' to all your KY family. Katia, you look so beautiful in your new robe. I love the colors! And I'd never have thought to make a nativity from spoons!!!
