Saturday, February 23, 2019


I LOVE Valentine's Day!  It's wonderful that for one day out of 365, on a random February day, we can forget about all of our problems and trials, and difficult things to celebrate and truly love the people around us.  We can love our spouses, our children, our friends, etc.  And we can love them anyway we can!  This year I said, "I love you" with socks!  (The quote:  You are "TOE"tally terrific!  I love you!  Life without you would "SOCK!")
When Jellybean donned his socks, he really rocked his wardrobe:
And we also saved the world on Valentine's evening...  Y'all are welcome.  (We are loving this weekly Thursday activity!  It's stressful and fun!)
The day after Valentine's Day was the stake Valentine's dance.  We love this tradition.  (Although we do miss the live music.)
Dinner with friends first:
Then the dance:
I have funny kids!
I sure love 'em!
I especially love my Eternal Valentine!
These two are so in love!
And baby Lillywhite is also one of my future Valentines!
This girl cracks me up!
A couple of my YSAs were at the dance!
Me and My Girls!
There is nothing better than group dancing with a lama...  Look close!
Valentine's Day remains a constant way to share and express how I feel.  And to remind my friends  and family that I really do love them!  (And I also love the discounted Russell Stover's heart chocolates on February 15th!)  Valentine's Day sometimes receives a lot of negative attention and is called a "fake holiday" but in reality the day holds a large amount of potential to love and be loved, no matter your relationship status.


  1. LOVING is never wrong and Already right!!!

  2. Yo Mama says, "These are definitely people I care about too! Happy days after Valentine's Day too... !
