Friday, March 1, 2019


According to Jellybean, "Sundy kidnaps everyone with a happy ending!" 
I actually had two days off this week, so I decided to spend those days "kidnapping" some of my favorite kids!  I love spoiling my BFF's children!  They are awesome!
Jellybean wanted pizza and an icee.  Since Tuesday was a beautiful day, we picked up both to go and played at the park for two hours!  It was wonderful!  Jellybean and I had deep conversations about friendships with the Avengers:  He's not sure he could be best friends with the Hulk because the Hulk would crush him, but he could be friends with him if he were Bruce Banner.  He also isn't sure he could be friends with Thor because he talks in old fashioned language he can't understand.  He and I both agree that Spiderman and Captain America would be awesome friends.  We then finished our outing with DQ blizzards!  Yummmm!
"Look at me!"
Chanelling Spiderman while wearing a Captain America hat and a Batman jacket!
"If you were my age, you'd LOVE the view from up here!"
Yup, he said that!
Deep conversation happens here!
Just hanging around!
And showing Sundy how it's done...
"I'm king of climbing!"
I sent him back completely sugared up!
Today I got to kidnap Raisin.  She was so excited for "Friday" to be kidnapped.  We went to McDonald's for Happy Meals.  Then we went and looked at animals at the two local pet stores.  She loved the kitties, and bunnies.  She also enjoyed pushing the cart.  Then we headed to the Dollar Store for her very own "pet."  One pet turned into a small basket of pets.  (She's too cute for me to say "only one.")  She loved her icee too!
She got an orange soda and her own french fries.
But the best part was the gogurt!
The kitties gave her lots of kisses on her hands!
"Those are my favorite fish!"
Future shopper....
I'm teaching her young.  Your welcome, Amy!
A basket full of new friends!
I love these amazing kids!
Guess what?!  It was my dad's birthday this week.  I have the best dad EVER!  (Even if he does like jalapeno pepper jelly...)  My dad is funny.  He's creative.  He's spiritual.  He's kind.  He cares about us and is truly one of my best friends!

1 comment:

  1. Your "outings" with the kids: do they realize how blessed they are? I remember park days with my own four, dollar store days with grands, and one on ones are the most fun of all!
    Your dad is hoarding the jams for special occasions. He really liked your creative gifts!
    Have a great day - teaching piano lessons! Mom
