Thursday, June 13, 2019


I gave a talk in the YSA branch on Sunday.  I thought it went well.  Here's approximately what I talked about:

Do y’all know what I love about being in this branch?  I LOVE the possibilities.  I LOVE the new beginnings.  I LOVE watching y’all make good decisions and grow and become.  Who knows what literature, law, science, invention, insight, research and art will come from all of y’all?  Who knows how the world will be blessed as a result of your efforts and inspiration?
One of the reasons y’all will achieve great things is because you will not be alone.  The Lord is willing and waiting to open the windows of heaven and magnify your righteous undertakings.  He will bless you.  He will bless your relationships.  If you come unto Him and serve Him, He will take the talents and abilities you possess and make marvelous things happen.
But in order to make marvelous things happen in our lives, we must communicate with our Heavenly Father through prayer.
Communication with Him is probably the most frequent commandment we find in the scriptures.  We are admonished, over and over, to lift up our hearts and our voices in prayer to our Heavenly Father.
“Pray always,” the Lord commanded us in these latter-days, “and I will pour out my Spirit upon you, and great shall be your blessing.” (D&C 19:38) The Book of Mormon teaches, “Ye must pour out your souls in your closets, and your secret places, and in your wilderness” (Alma 34:26) The Apostle Paul taught that we should “pray without ceasing. And in everything give thanks.” (1 Thessalonians 5:17-18) Even Jesus Christ, our Savior and Exemplar, often prayed to the Father.  If He felt such a need to pray, how much more should we pray?!
But sometimes my communication stinks.  Sometimes I find myself praying and repeating the same things over and over.  Sometimes after a long day I’ll climb in my bed and start to pray, but my thoughts trail off as I fall right to sleep. And sometimes, I try to say a sincere prayer, but my mind wanders everywhere and before I know it, I’m writing poems in my head about belt buckles and taking tests.
I don’t think I’m alone.  We all have good intentions when we pray, but we often forget the divine power that comes with sincere prayer and that communication with Him is a great blessing.
Because prayer is such a sacred gift, we should treat it as such by praying often and sincerely.  So… this week, I researched how to make prayer a more sincere and meaningful part of my own life.  I came up with some of my own tried-and-true tricks, and a few new ideas too.  And because I love lists, here is my list of 15 Ways To Make Prayer More Meaningful:
1.    Learn to pray by doing it.
It seems obvious… but sometimes we just need to embrace the Nikey motto and “just do it!”
I love my mom.  I really love my mom.  But life gets busy and sometimes, I forget to communicate with her.  She has expressed how much my phone calls mean to her.  So I try to remember to call her single every day.  I “just do it!”
If my mom loves hearing from me every day, how much more does Heavenly Father want to hear from us?  “Just do it!”
2.    Spend time meditating on great prayer passages from the scriptures and our latter-day prophets and uplifting reminders/quotes.
I just put this one up on my white board this week: “When prayer becomes a habit, miracles become your lifestyle.”
3.    Picture Heavenly Father standing right in front of you.
Last year someone asked me if I could picture my Heavenly Father.  I had never thought much about what He looked like.  In the temple we see likenesses, but I had never really embraced the idea of picturing Him for myself.  As I’ve tried to picture what He might look like in my head, I picture someone who looks a bit like my earthly father only older and taller.  It helps to remember that.
4.    Try and reword repetition.
This one is easy to fall into.  But someone suggested to me that we can be more specific rather than falling into repetitions.  Instead of saying ‘nourish and strengthen.’ I instead ask for help not to overeat.  I literally tried doing that this week…. It worked.  I didn’t overeat that meal. Perhaps I should pray for help not overeating every meal, but I don’t want to fall into repetition….
5.    Pray in the car and the shower. 
Usually the most productive and open conversations are when you can “ramble” to Him and have time to think, ponder and listen without feeling rushed.  The shower works for me.  My sister gave me this idea a few years ago.  And it really works.
6.    Whenever possible, kneel. 
It does make a difference.  And kneeling in the shower is OK too.  But not so much in the car.
7.    Whenever possible, pray out loud. 
Joseph Smith prayed out loud during the first vision and it worked for him.  The prayers I say out loud keep me focused.
8.    Listen and ponder a LOT. 
“Be still” before and after prayers.  Remember, communication is a two-way street.
When I was struggling with peace between my 7 and 8 year old daughters, I prayed for help.  I listened, and pondered and Heavenly Father gave me revelation that “cured” the unhappiness in our home.  The revelation was to make a mix CD of happy songs to wake up too every morning.  It totally worked.  And although I love music, I know that it was because I was listening that I got that specific revelation for my family.
9.    Specific prayers receive specific answers.  Vent.  Be honest.  Tell Heavenly Father when things do not make sense, or when things stink. Be transparent with doubts, questions and concerns.
Last week, I was struggling with the heat, stressed out about the amount of work I had to do, and couldn’t sleep.  My mind was racing and I couldn’t focus on one thing at a time, let alone fall asleep.  I knew I wasn’t going to calm down at all unless I talked through my thoughts to someone, so I began  
talking to my unconscious husband.  I started to feel a little calmer when I realized I was talking to the wrong person.  I needed to turn to my Heavenly Father.  I continued voicing my concerns only to Him.  I felt strongly that He was there listening.  I easily fell asleep after that.
Heavenly Father knew I was struggling that night, and He knew why.  I didn’t have to tell Him.  But talking through my stresses and concerns was so incredibly helpful and I remember feeling so loved.  He cares about every detail of our lives, no matter how small or insignificant they might seem.
10.                       Your night time prayers do not necessarily have to be right before hopping into bed – it’s OK to do it a little sooner so you’re more “awake” for it.  And if you do wait until you are totally exhausted, please “check in.”  Just saying, “Hi, I love you.  Let’s talk tomorrow,” keeps you in the habit.
11.                       Ask for help with your prayer. 
I was reading about prayer when I came across this idea.  The woman who recommended this idea said that when she asks for help with her prayers, she finds herself saying, thanking and asking for things she didn’t think of until then. 
I immediately tried it.  It was a great experience.  I wouldn’t recommend it EVERY time you pray, but it is a great experiment to try once in awhile.
12.                       Give a gratitude-only prayer. 
A gratitude-only prayer is also a great way to pray.  It’s easy to forget the many things we’ve been blessed with.  It’s important to show gratitude.  And this kind of prayer instantly lifts your spirits if you are feeling down.
13.                       Keep a prayer list and be ready for revelation.
Just as prayer helps us through trials and gives us guidance and direction, it can lift up and help others too.  If we know of someone going through a trial, making a life decision, or we just feel prompted to pray for a specific person, we should pray for them.  When our hearts are filled with Christlike love toward others, our prayers will become more sincere and meaningful.  Keeping a list helps us to remember to pray for them.
And writing down the revelation after receiving it can also help us to remember to act upon it.  I often receive answers to prayers when I’m least expecting it.  It happens when I’m driving in silence, reading my scriptures, or working in the kitchen.  I often wonder how much inspiration I would receive if I would take more time to sit in silence instead of filling my life with noise.
President Russell M. Nelson said “In coming days, it will not be possible to survive spiritually without the guiding, directing, comforting, and constant influence of the Holy Ghost.”  If that’s true – WRITE IT DOWN!
14.                       Tell Heavenly Father about your life.
He actually likes to hear from us, even if He already knows about us.  And it’s fun to talk about ourselves, like Toby Keith says, “I wanna talk about ME!”  And Heavenly Father is a captive audience!
15.                       Sing your prayer.
Ten years ago I was struggling with extreme depression. I was in such agony that prayer seemed impossible to me.  I couldn’t form the words through my constant tears. I remember often humming or singing the chorus of “I Need Thee Every Hour” as I couldn’t get out of bed.  That song became my prayer for over 6 months when I couldn’t pray any other way.
Heavenly Father has said that “the song of the righteous is a prayer unto me.” Notice that He doesn’t add that you have to be a good singer.  Hymns and songs of praise can definitely serve as our prayers when we need them.
I promise that Heavenly Father hears and answers our prayers.  And when we pray sincerely and with real intent, we will be blessed. 
I witness that God lives.  I testify that Jesus is the Christ.  I know that Joseph Smith restored the gospel of Jesus Christ to the world.  The church today is led by a prophet of God.
Through the power of prayer, millions of people today add their voice to these truths. And I hope that each of us can make our prayers more meaningful and sincere.  I hope that we will lift up our voices to our Heavenly Father and pray always…..  In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

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