I am still alive.
A lot has happened.
First, Sister Hulet broke her ankle by slipping on some ice into a pothole. She broke it in 3 places, and it was decided that the recovery would take too long and so we attended her funeral on Thursday night. She had 8 weeks of her mission left. We lost a truly great missionary, I was blessed to know and learn from her. As Elder Wilson said "We lost a great missionary, a great wombat, but most importantly a great Texan."
On Friday, January 24th, Sister Gilson's 20th Birthday, we sang "God Be With You Till We Meet Again" as Sister Hulet rode off to surgery. Sister Gilson, right then, officially become our companion. And then there were three...
I wish it was under better circumstances, but I honestly was so happy to get Sister Gilson as a companion. We came out together. My "greenie breaker" was her trainer (Sister Done). Sister Gilson is from Arizona, she is a convert, and she has been out for 7 months.
She is 20 years old, and she is almost a phlebotomist. Haha, she is pretty great!
We have begun teaching a lady named Michelle, she is in the Elders area so we are going to try and turn her over to them. She seems like she could really be receptive, she has been through a lot, but it has been her faith in God that has helped her through. I can imagine how happy she'll be when she is told about the restoration and God's plan for her!
We went to the local highschool basketball game to catch a family we have been trying to teach. It was a first for me, and my goodness it was sooo much fun! We were able to make a lot of really good contacts and watch an awesome game. If you haven't been to a highschool basketball game, go, it's worth it. And while you're there, talk to people about Jesus, it goes a long way!
Sooo, we now cover 5 wards for at least 3 weeks. Twin Falls 19th, Kimberly 2nd, 4th, 5th, and 7th. We have a car now, with a lot of miles so, hooray!! Our teaching pool has doubled and we are working hard to balance our time in each ward. It's an adventure, but it's fun!
Alright, so, this week I started something new! I was praying and thinking about how to act on the prophet's invitation to embrace the restoration. I don't want to miss this wonderful opportunity to feel the Spirit, to gain a stronger testimony, and to receive guidance for my life. So, I have determined that as part of my preparation for the April General Conference, I am going to read JS-H 1-20 everyday during personal study. I started this on Tuesday, and goodness it has been incredibly neat! My testimony of the prophet Joseph Smith has grown so much! I encourage y'all to study it for yourself and then pair it with your reading of the Book of Mormon, miracles will happen as you do so!
Love y'all! Have a great week! Until next time! Ate logo!
Sister DeGooyer
Contacting in the Country
Pday fun (last)
The trio
Goodbye Sister Hulet
Basketball Game
Hulet's Funeral