Happy New Year! My companion is awesome, her name is sister Soto- more on her next week. My name is still Sister DeGooyer, but now I pronounce it like the mother country because it is easier. We found a man named Bill this week! We promised him that we could show him how to answer all of his questions and that we would take one of his and answer it. He asked: "Where is heaven?" We go back to tell him tomorrow.
Zone Conference and Interview with President are this week, so look forward to a long and detailed email NEXT week!
I finished setting my goals and I have done well on them so far! Goals are so important y'all! They give us something to strive for, and something to reach for! They keep our focus on what it needs to be on: growth. True growth only comes in and through our Savior. Sooooo, I invite y'all to look to Him as you make and keep your goals this year.
Love y'all!
Sister DeGooyer (De *insert cough* er)
Goodbye Sister Osborne!
Hello, Sister Soto!
With members...
Is sister Soto Japanese? :D