WHAT A WEEK?! Somebody, pinch me, because I think I dreamed it up.
First, I'd like to acknowledge that I am in love with my companion. I'm not sure how most of you will take that sentence, but I am leaving it there. But in all seriousness, she is my bestest friend, and I feel like that needs to be recorded.
My birthday was amazing! Seriously, one of the best birthday's of my life. It started with waking up at 5:30, hopping in the shower, and then going on a hike with my district. Sister Horton and I gave a training on the edge of a cliff, next to a roaring waterfall. A couple, came and joined us for the end. They weren't members, but we opened the scriptures with them and asked them to meet with missionaries when they get home from their vacation. They said they would!
Alright fam, we have found 7+ individals/families over the past week and a half to teach. Three of them were on my birthday. If any of you are willing to pray for them please message me and I will give you their names.
We have seen soooo many miracles. We have seen a lot of rejections. The power of the adversary is real. I have learned that more this past week, but it is amazing how little power he has when you don't entertain his influence. We have been talking to literally EVERYONE we see. Haha, it has resulted in some pretty funny moments, but also in some incredibly uplifing moments.
It's been a while since I have written and so let me appease your souls and say that I am here in Kimberly for another fat minute-- 5 more weeks to be not completely exact. I love it here and I am so glad I will be here for 9 months! Woohooo!
We found a lady this week, she was the first contact on my birthday actually. In the first minute of talking to her, she said she had been waiting for us to come. Chills! We had a lesson with her yesterday and are planning another for Wednesday.
Y'all there have been so many amazing moments this week, and last week, and the week before that. God is good! Literally, I don't know where to begin. I am so behind on my jounral too, haha, I plan on catching up today. I don't want to forget a thing.
Here is something! Sister Horton and I have started running again. It feels so good! Not in the moment, though. It's funny, at the beginning of our run we'll just go. In the last stretch, however, we have started motivationally speaking to each other. We are out of energy at that point, completely exahsted, but we have to keep going. We say things like the classic "We can do this!" and "We're strong!" But we have also started talking about missionary work, anyone who watches us probably thinks we're crazy. My favorite the other day was this, "Our running is a pattern for our missionary work." - "We are showing God, that despite all odds we will keep going." - "Despite rejection. Despite the exahstion. Despite the overwhelming feeling that we just want to stop- we will keep going." - "We will keep going, because it will make us stronger, more resilient missionaries." - "We are showing God, that no matter what we face we will come out on top!" - ...and so on and so forth. It is funny, but oddly enough exceptionally motivating and true.
.You satisfied has email this, hopefully, well !July of 4th happy very a you wish and all you love I.
DeGooyer Sister
birthday gogo
the district
eat ur greens
the OGs