Tuesday, June 9, 2020


A week ago, I journeyed to Idaho with my best friend.  You might ask, what is in Idaho?  The answer is my childhood family!  My sister/BF just moved here.  My brothers and their amazing families already live in the Boise area.  And my parents are moving from Colorado to Idaho this weekend.  I've already posted about visiting with my wonderful missionary daughter. 
While in Idaho, I also got to spend time with my brothers and their families.  Friday night was "Siblings Night."  We had a progressive dinner and spent the evening catching up.  I have the coolest siblings!  We started with appetizers at GJ's apartment.  (GJ and I made Grandma T's cheese ball and my pico.)  Then Ben took us to a delicious restaurant called Taziki's Mediterranean Cafe.  I fell in love with the tomato and cucumber salad.  I can't wait to try making some at home.  Then we ended the evening at Zane's house for ice-cream and Fudge Jumbles (but GJ kept calling them Fudge Jambalaya - so that will be what I call them from now on.)
Zane, Tara, Kristi, Ben, Me, GJ, Ken
The whole "famn damily" minus Scott.
On Monday I got to spend some time with my amazing nieces and nephews.  I can't tell you how much I love and miss each and everyone of them.  They are all such cool kids!  I took selfies with the two future missionaries that will be going out into the field in about 4-6 weeks.  I like to pretend it's my influence that makes them such terrific kids.  But really, Zane & Tara and Ben & Kristi are fantastic parents!
I LOVE all 8 of these crazies!
C hasn't seen me since she was 2 months old.  She gave me huge hugs!  
I told L that I hadn't seen him for 100 years which made him 105 years old. 
He thought that was completely insane.
J was so precious!  She wouldn't leave my side and gave me tons of hugs!
I even got a yellow picture from her - because she remembered that it was my favorite color!
T can jam on the guitar and the banjo.  He played both for my enjoyment!
A is still an amazing soccer player and showed me her violin skills.  Impressive!  
She looks like a young woman now instead of a kid.
T plays the cello!  I'm kinda jealous!  
He also has definitely "grown a foot or two."  He's as tall as Kade.
S is still beautiful and still delightful!  She promises to come live with me so I can have another daughter to call my own soon!  I can't wait!  
Kade is the only boy I've "sent" on a mission.  He was my boy for 8 months and I cried when he left.  I'm so excited for his adventure in Texas!  He's such a great "son!"
Y is absolutely stunning and talented to boot!  She made French style coconut macroons.  DELICIOUS!  And her smile lights up a room!
K is "my Pugsley!"  He played the role of Pugsley in the Addam's Family musical and since then, 
he's "my Pugsley!"  He makes me smile!  And has such a joyful countenance.
Ender is a missionary already.  He's learning Swedish.  (I couldn't do it.)  His humor makes me laugh.  His companions are going to love him!
Chance is actually home from his mission to the Dominican Republic early because of Covid-19.  He's been reassigned to Oklahoma (and if you don't sing the word: "Oklahoma," I'm not sure if you're human.)  He's super tall and always lets me know he's taller than I am!  (Like father like son)
Swedish Elder McCallister and his favorite aunt!
Texas Elder McCallister and his favorite aunt!
Also... I got to get to know GJ's daughter-in-law this week.  She is so sweet!  And really lovable.  And I'm glad she puts up with my nephew, Gary.  JK  They are going to be great parents in about a month.  And GJ will be a great grandmother.  She'll love the new role!  And my grand nephew will be adorable!  (Although as a grandmother, I have to say he won't be more adorable than Skittles.)
My Best Friend and Sister
I also got to see the land my sister and parents are building their homes on.  It's incredible!  GJ is so excited.  And the view is incredible.  I love the creek/river/ditch behind their homes.  I'm glad I don't have to pull weeds though.  I'll come visit them after it's done.
Anyways, I go home tomorrow.  I'll miss my family!  I'll especially miss my BFF, GJ!  But I am looking forward to spending time with my cute husband, sweet daughter, fun son, and adorable grandson!
Thanks, Idaho!  I can't wait to come back for a visit!


  1. So LOVED having you here!!! Fun trip and times when your around. ;) <3

  2. Wow! You packed a lot of people into a short couple of days, didn't you? And now you are back in KY and we are here in ID. Crazy world, isn't it?! Love YOU, Mom
