Sunday, October 4, 2020


General Conference weekend is our favorite!  And we LOVE it!  We definitely make this an event!

October is also the annual Great Pumpkin 5K.  It's always the Saturday of conference, so for the past 3 years we run/walk a 5K and then watch conference all day....  This year the race was virtual.  So our Kentucky family ventured out for our tradition before conference....  Amy has been training so she ran.  Mark ran.  Cody ran.  Scott and I walked with Raisin.  Kiara and Marmalade walked with Skittles.  It was really fun to have a little tag-a-long with us.  She entertained us the entire 3 miles.

Before the race... with our jacket swag!
The entire crew!
Look at the fog... so pretty!
Our running partner!  She kept up the whole 5K!
I sure love this crazy man of mine!  He really makes life fun!
Raisin wanted to pose with a medal too.
We did it!
Mark finished... and then pooped out!
The Great Pumpkin 5K is in the books for 2020!

Then we enjoyed listening to our apostles and prophets.

One quiet moment... with these two!
Cody soaked it all in!
Kiara and I were matchers!
It makes conference more fun to twin with your daughter!
They kept wanting us to push them in the box...
Starburst and Skittles kept us hopping!

On Sunday we invited even more friends to join us in our celebration of learning from latter-day prophets and leaders.  On Sunday morning we were blessed with 4 sister missionaries, and 3 young single adults who are beginning their journey into learning about Jesus Christ and covenants.  On Sunday afternoon, we discovered the 3 Elders in Shelbyville were alone for conference.  They quickly got an invitation and we were lucky enough to have them join us for the last session.

Raisin LOVED the attention from the Sisters!
Jelly Bean did too!
And Austin loved listening to the prophet with Jelly Bean!
ALL of Us!
Brandon, Sister Wooley, Sister Knight, Sister Wolfey, Sister Larsen, Austin, Zach
Jelly Bean, Scott and Me
Scott, Me, Jelly Bean, Elder Welton, Elder Sommerfeldt, Elder Layne

What a wonderful weekend!  I felt so edified spiritually.  I was motivated to become better.  I want to prepare and study and "let God prevail" in ALL I do!  If any of my friends would like to know more about what I truly believe, and what brings real joy, please reach out to me!  I'd love to share!  And this weekend and what I've learned and been reminded of helps make life a lot easier in this chaotic world!  I know God lives!  I know Jesus Christ is my Savior, my Redeemer and my Friend!  Living a Christian life gives me hope and peace in this difficult season.

In other joyful news, this picture was sent to me via text from an Idaho member... it made me so happy to see my own sweet daughter!:

She cracks me up!

And here are a few more pictures of my adorable grandson:

Just like Grandpa: a phone and a drink!
His first lollipop!  He loved it!
Wearing mommy's glasses.
Helping mommy practice the piano... this makes grandma soooo happy!
Skittles LOVED swinging!
And he LOVES cheese!
Although I think there's more ON him then IN him....
These are my two favorite guys in the whole wide world!
Aren't they adorable?!


  1. Conference is the BOMB! Holland is the BEST! 😇👍 You make life fun!!!

  2. Thanks for sharing your conference Sunday, Sundy! (My computer tells me I spelled your name wrong.) I would like to be sharing at your Conference Home Evening too... Love, Mom
