Sunday, January 23, 2022


My mom is amaaaaazing!  She threw such a fun wedding shower for Katia, inviting family from both sides of the soon-to-be bride and her future husband.  Since many of us didn't know each other (or didn't know each other well) we all took turns telling our relationship to the happy couple and a funny story involving Katia or Skylar.  It was fun!  We laughed and we reminisced and we enjoyed one another.  I must admit, I KNEW my family was incredible, but I soon learned how totally terrific Skylar's family is too!  I really love them.  Katia hit the jackpot when it comes to inlaws... and I basically just invited myself to join their family too.  Why should Katia get all the joy?

So many new and old friends:
Katia - Jetta - Amy
GJ - Alicia - Mandy
Me - Skylar's aunt - Aunt Val
Beka - Jackie - MaryKaye
Aunt Alana - Yurae - Mil
Kristi - Skylar's Grandma - Emily
Mary - Haylee - Tara
Katia - Katia - Kiara
Me and Grandma - Katia - Katia
Somehow I missed a couple of pictures.... I don't know where they went.  Ooops.
The food was incredible!
And the mom's matched in polka-dots!
Katia is loved!  Katia is blessed!  Katia is happy!  And that makes this mama thrilled!

1 comment:

  1. Love that couple! Amazing shower! We are Blessed to have the BEST mom!!!
