Monday, March 14, 2022


My eldest son is unbelievable!  He's also unbelievably speedy!  What do I mean?  Well... he decided to run in the half marathon: The Lucky Leprechaun Half Marathon.  Did he train?  Not a lot.  But he finished.  And not only did he finish, but he got third place in his division!  His time was 1:46:42.  I couldn't be more proud!

On your mark!  Get set!  Go!
13.1 miles - EASY for this guy!
I'm also going to brag about Toastmasters.  I'm LOVING learning and growing in this distinguished, educational club.  On Saturday I competed in the Toastmasters Table Topics competition.  I won!  I get to go on to the district competition next month.  

Let me know if you are interested in learning more!
It's super fun!
So.... the sad news?!  Kiara and Cody are moving back to Rexburg, Idaho.  I'm sooooo sad.  I will miss studying my scriptures with my eldest daughter.  I will miss kissing and hugging my grandson every day.  I will miss long talks and game playing and having a helper around the house.  It's going to be really hard for this mom/grandma to say goodbye.  Luckily my job as a parent/grandparent doesn't end just because they will be living over 1600 miles away.  But I admit that I've cried a lot this last week thinking about the separation.

Here are some pictures to lighten the mood:

My daughters - throughout the years!
Teaching our grandson to stand during the Star Spangled Banner!
Proud Grandma and Grandpa!
This is Skittles "Bad Guy" face... when he pretends to be a bad guy.
We LOVE serving in the temple every Tuesday night!
This is our happy place!


  1. πŸ˜†πŸ˜’πŸ˜ŠπŸ₯ΊπŸ˜„πŸ˜­
    The story of life...
    I Love You All and pray for you daily!!! 😘🀟

  2. :) for the runner! And many :)'s for the Mom/Grandma who is taking their leaving so well. And even more :)'s that said daughter won yet another contest! She's definitely found her nitch! Love, Mom/Gma and GGma
