Tuesday, August 27, 2024


 Holy Cow! I'm soooo behind in blogging. And I want to keep my friends in the loop. Here's July:

Skittles went to the Rexburg Fair with His friend:

Skittles and Peanut Butter!
Too excited....
My Tractor Man!
Can't stop the music in this Red Haired Cutie!
Just before Mango was born:
Last date as a family of TWO!
And MY Kapp came home from his mission to the Phillipines!
He's so handsome!
We got to see the musical, The Scarlet Pimpernel, at Starlight Mountain Theater.
I was soooo excited! I already knew all the music, but had never seen the show.
Before the show, we walked around a bit.
Isn't it gorgeous: Both the river and my sister with her daughter!?!
With my eternal sweetie!
My Dad in "Papa's Corner!"
The gang: Scott, Me, Sheila, GJ, and Dad
Our garden (and my sister/dad's garden) rocks! Check out our pumpkins, peaches, strawberries, squash, tomatoes, and my favorite: Dandelions:
And I can't not post these adorable pictures of my Mango:
Being a Mom is so wonderful!
Peaceful Sleep
Soooo cute!
Proud Grandpa!
The Browns
with a special gift straight from Heaven!
My brothers:
Good lookin' guys!
And Red Skittle:
He actually slows down sometimes.
Sporting the Cowboy vibe.
Throwing rocks with Berry...
Skittles and Berry
Hungry Hippo with Uncle Ken
At the park with Grandma
Love that smile!
I feel so blessed: Mango, Skittles, my amazing husband, my favorite sister, my incredible dad, my beautiful daughters, kind sons, seeing musicals - what a wonderful life!

Wednesday, August 14, 2024


To everything there is a season... and three weeks ago, my niece, Shanae, decided to be sealed for time and all eternity to Cole Fabbri. It was a lovely day. And they are an incredible couple. Here are some memories:

GJ and I getting ready for the reception.
We washed chairs.
Love having sister time!
Skittle waiting for Shanae and Cole outside the temple with Grandpa.
Mrs. and Mr. Fabbri
Aren't they cute?!
Kiara was one of Shanae's bridesmaids.
They are more like sisters than cousins!
I love their silly relationship.
Scott made the cake.
He's soooo talented!
Cutting the cake...
Eating the cake...
The mess.
Some pictures of my adorable grandson at the wedding.
And GJ's cute grandson too.
Tara did the bouquets.
Aren't they gorgeous?!
And my daughter... too!
Congratulations, Shanae and Cole! Aunt Sundy loves you!

Tuesday, August 6, 2024


What a wonderful, wonderful day! I can't stop grinning from ear to ear! My baby girl just gave birth to her baby girl! Her name (on my blog) is Mango! She was born on August 2, at 2:22 PM. She was 7 lbs. 12 oz. and 19 inches long. She's absolutely perfect! And I get all the baby huggles I want for an entire week, as I help Katia at home. Be prepared for proud Grandma picture overload:

My BEAUTIFUL daughter with her BEAUTIFUL daughter!
Proud Papa - Skylar with his baby girl!
I love this family sooo much!
So glad they are mine!
I couldn't wait to get to the hospital to hold my precious granddaughter!
Scott and I LOVE being grandparents!
Grandpa looks good on my husband!
My new shirt and my new granddaughter
Sharing Mango with the Brown family will be so much fun!
Grandma Power!
Mango is blessed with the best!
(If I say so myself.)
I love watching Katia be a mother!
She's a natural!
Although both mom and Mango are exhausted....
Granddaughters are truly a gift from God!
I love you, Mango!