Tuesday, August 27, 2024


 Holy Cow! I'm soooo behind in blogging. And I want to keep my friends in the loop. Here's July:

Skittles went to the Rexburg Fair with His friend:

Skittles and Peanut Butter!
Too excited....
My Tractor Man!
Can't stop the music in this Red Haired Cutie!
Just before Mango was born:
Last date as a family of TWO!
And MY Kapp came home from his mission to the Phillipines!
He's so handsome!
We got to see the musical, The Scarlet Pimpernel, at Starlight Mountain Theater.
I was soooo excited! I already knew all the music, but had never seen the show.
Before the show, we walked around a bit.
Isn't it gorgeous: Both the river and my sister with her daughter!?!
With my eternal sweetie!
My Dad in "Papa's Corner!"
The gang: Scott, Me, Sheila, GJ, and Dad
Our garden (and my sister/dad's garden) rocks! Check out our pumpkins, peaches, strawberries, squash, tomatoes, and my favorite: Dandelions:
And I can't not post these adorable pictures of my Mango:
Being a Mom is so wonderful!
Peaceful Sleep
Soooo cute!
Proud Grandpa!
The Browns
with a special gift straight from Heaven!
My brothers:
Good lookin' guys!
And Red Skittle:
He actually slows down sometimes.
Sporting the Cowboy vibe.
Throwing rocks with Berry...
Skittles and Berry
Hungry Hippo with Uncle Ken
At the park with Grandma
Love that smile!
I feel so blessed: Mango, Skittles, my amazing husband, my favorite sister, my incredible dad, my beautiful daughters, kind sons, seeing musicals - what a wonderful life!

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