Monday, September 2, 2024


Kiara and my redheaded grandson came to visit us for a week before Red Skittle started Kindergarten. We had so much fun! And we ended by celebrating my 52nd birthday! What a truly wonderful week. Check it out:

First: I got a picture with BOTH of my grandchildren!
I absolutely love the name "Grandma!"
And I love these two kids who gave me that name!
We threw rocks.
I love my Leftie!
He really loves throwing rocks.
Red Skittle and I have been reading the Tales of Winnie the Pooh.
After reading about how Christopher Robin and the crew going on an
expedition to discover the North Pole, we decided to do the same thing:
On our "trip", we had many adventures.
We found it!
It's the North Pole!
We stopped for "provisions" because so did Winnie the Pooh.
We feasted on skittles, while Pooh had honey.
Then we kidnapped Licorice and Cantaloupe.
We visited Babby Farms.
It's a really fun place.
Itty Bitty Goats... adorable...
Red Skittle, Cantaloupe, and Licorice
Love that smile!
Isn't she so cute?!
Licorice is a truly remarkable kid!
A Brazilian Armadillo... so cool...
Love these kiddos!
Petting a kangaroo!
And dogs too!
Red Skittle wasn't thrilled with his newsboy hat.
I was so excited to give it to him.
He prefers fadoras.
My birthday present was highly inappropriate from my daughters.
They thought it was so funny.
I thought it was kinda naughty.
You won't catch me wearing it in public.
We all went to go see Little Shop of Horrors for my birthday!
I absolutely LOVED it!
I laughed so hard.
And the music was GREAT!
Love these two who joined me for the show.
Zane and Tara also let me take a class for free on arranging dried flowers.
I love how it turned out!
Guess what?!
Red Skittle is officially a Kindergartener.
First Day of School
First Day on the Bus
And doesn't Mango look amazing in her yellow dress?!
I had to add a few pictures of my granddaughter!
"Hurry and take the picture, Mom!"
Shhhhhh! Mango is sleeping!
"What did you say?!"
And while I had a delightful week of company from Kiara and Skittles, and lots of pictures from Katia and Mango, my sister and father went to Colorado. I got lots of pictures from their trip too, but here are just a few:
Needletop is where my grandfather was born.
I love this picture!
My sister's dream is to drive a tractor and farm and homestead....
My mother's grave.
My grandparents' grave.
More Needletop Mountain
Whew! What a week! What a birthday! What a long blog post! If you made it reading this far, give yourself a pat on the back....

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