I don't even know where to begin, so much good happened this week that I have been staring at a blank screen for about five minutes. As deliciously contradictory as that sounds, it is true.
This week I got to wake up at four in the morning, sit in a car for an hour, leave mission boundaries, and visit the Idaho Falls Temple! It was all worth it. We obtained special permission from President to go to the temple with one of our investigators. We were not able to go inside past the small waiting room (Kentucky people, that temple may be bigger but the waiting area is less than half the size of our waiting room.) It was still a really cool experience, especially to go with Shiloh and teach her about what is done inside the house of the LORD. (We will get to go and do baptisms with her in 3 weeks!)
On the same day as the temple trip, we had a mission wide conference. Which meant all 200 of us came across the corners of the IPM and gathered at ISU to be taught, uplifted, and edified. It was as detailed and enthralling as it sounds. What made it more, was the theme: Polynesian. We went on a trip to Hana, visiting all of the Islands along the way. We learned about the different cultures on each Island and how each relates to the gospel. We had true Polynesian food, a roasted pig being the highlight for me- it was so good! My biggest take away was the importance of Personal Revelation. I recently read President Nelson's talk entitled "Revelation for the Church, Revelation for Our Lives." I encourage you all to take his challenge to actively seek revelation for your lives.
As a part of the mission conference we also saw Piano Guys, which was as incredible as it sounds. The biggest take away from that was how important prayer is. Both of them testified to us that the Spirit is our friend, and that he will help us if we ask and even when we don't ask. They talked about how many times they would get stuck while writing songs and they would immediately kneel, often before the prayer was over they would receive an answer.
Snapshot of the rest of the week: We met a man named Bob who is pretty cool. We had dinner with second ward which meant we were able to go into the mountains. Someone brought us Cafe Rio. :) Soda Barn x4 (I tried their cookies for the first time and I really don't think that was a good thing.) Transfer calls are next week. Romans 8 is now one of my favorite chapters! Spaghetti dinner at Highschool, it was really awkward. Ward BBQ= deliciousness. I've been baptised for 11 years.
I've said it and I'll say it again: I love you all! Keep reading your scriptures, especially the Book of Mormon. Come Follow Me is pretty cool too. I wish you all a wonderful week, full of all the right challenges that will make you grow, and all the good moments too!
Sister DeGooyer
Mission Conference - President and Sister Southward
I got to see Sister Stichart again! 
Temple with Shiloh - she's the one in blue!
The Piano Guys
Polynesian Dancers at our mission conference.
11 years - baptism anniversary
(I remember the little girl in the picture!)
And I remember that occasion 11 years ago too! Time goes sooo fast! But it grows love too. Aren't we glad we never run out of the feelings we have for others. We just grow more!