Monday, August 5, 2019


Hi again, it's me! Another week later, and another week wiser... at least I hope. 😝

There were a lot of good things that happened this week. I got to go on my first exchange, which was super fun! I got to head over to Pocatello for my exchange. You may be thinking, "Hold on, I thought you were already serving in Pocatello." The answer to that is a determined yes, while I am serving in Pocatello right now, I am serving in the Highland portion which basically translates into: the place where most of the rich people live. So all day everyday I get to walk up to these castles and knock on these gigantic and beautiful doors. It also means that you are being recorded every time you knock, ring the doorbell, or step on a porch... fun stuff. Anywho, for exchanges I headed over to Poky West, with Sister Worth. Poky West is an area that is on fire, we taught two lessons the day I was there AND we made three contacts. Sister Worth started off the day saying that miracles happen on exchanges and we definitely saw some! I enjoyed getting to know a different area and new people, but at the end of the day it was good to come home. I don't think a place is truly home until you leave it and come back again. 

We started a music fast this past Friday. Elder Damms (one of our district leaders) decided that as a district we needed to do it and so I am starving from music until next Friday. Anyone who knows me knows that music is my love, and so it has been a little difficult. I didn't realize how much I randomly break into song until we committed to this fast. It's been a good experience though. We listen to Conference talks and we tell stories, which is fun!

Yesterday we met with Shiloh again and discovered that she not only kept her commitments, but she did more. We challenged her to read 1 Nephi 1, and found that she had read clear to 1 Nephi 12. She recounted Lehi's vision and talked with us about what the fruit represents. It was really neat! She has decided that she wants to be baptized on September 7th! Shiloh's story goes to show how much members and their invitations matter! 

It rained FIVE times this week!!! I absolutely loved it! The first time it rained this week, it was during the time we had set apart to tract. Sister Coleman and I ran out into the downpour declaring that we would be blessed for our efforts. While we didn't meet anyone who was particularly receptive, we did meet some people who were willing to hear us bear our testimonies of Christ!

Sister Coleman and I are endeavoring to make this area bloom, and so we are scheduling regular appointments with the leaders in all of our wards. We want to help these wards as much as we can. In this area people know us, they know what we represent, and often times they don't want to hear it. The members are so dedicated here that they talk to their neighbors often about religion and extend frequent invitations. When the non-members see us, they either are really kind or they quickly shoot us down...or both. So Sister Coleman and I are trying to figure out ways that we can be helpful to the members and ward in sharing the gospel. Part of our purpose as missionaries is to help the ward with their mission plan; I am excited to see where this new avenue takes us. 

In my studies this week I tried to really focus on the Spirit. I started reading the Book of Mormon in the MTC with the purpose of looking for the Spirit within the scriptures. I underline anything that has to do with him, his influences, the gifts of the Spirit, etc. This week I got the impression that I should be doing more. So, I have started to go back and read what I've underlined and record what that particular passage/verse tells me about the Holy Ghost. It has been an interesting study and I feel that I have learned a lot. The first insight I found was in 1 Nephi 1: 7-8; from these verses I deduce that the Spirit makes you tired. ;) 

It's about time for me to sign off, but I wish y'all a wonderful week. My scripture for the week was D&C 4:2. I love you all! 

Sister DeGooyer 
"We got Lysol from the housing coordinators!!!  I was so excited!!!"
"My sister got me pizza because she is literally the best human being ever!"
Exchanges with Sister Worth
Sunsets in Idaho
Katia loves them!
One of the members bought pizza...

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