Saturday, November 30, 2019


I love Thanksgiving!  I love reflecting and being grateful for the many blessings in my life!  I am truly blessed!
I'm grateful for my health.  I participated (with my family - including my adopted family) in the First Annual 5K Turkey Trot Fake Race!  One might ask:  What is a fake race?  The answer:  None of us wanted to pay $30-40 for a real race registration, so we paid $9 for Shirts made by Scott and did our own 5K route.  It was sooooo fun!  And it was sooooo cold!  And Cody won with Jacob taking 2nd place.  (BTW, Jacob is now 18 so he can be named....  He used to be Juice here!)  Raisin was a trooper - as she was sick and still participated.  The 5K really worked up our appetite for....
Scott designed the shirt.
And I thought the back was funny too!
And Scott also felt we needed metals for the race...
But we called 'em woodals - since they are made of wood, not metal.
Trying to stay warm at the starting line.
Not pictured: Jelly Bean and Raisin in the middle....
I'm grateful for food.  I have been doing a modified Keto Diet for the past 3 weeks.  It's making me feel so much better.  But I allowed myself a cheat day.  Yummmmm!  Everything was delicious!  And the friendships/family relationships were exactly how I wanted to spend our holiday!
Breaking Bread for the Stuffing
I loved spending 2 hours with these two BEAUTIFUL girls
making our traditional DeGooyer stuffing!
Scott and Sheila made the turkeys...
They looked up origami turkeys on-line and figured it out.
It made the table look so festive!
Blessed by our family!
Kiara couldn't wait to imbibe!
And Jacob was a bit more civilized about it!
I'm grateful for family!  Katia called.  She is happy.  And she is grateful to be doing the Lord's work.  And my craft project with Amy's kids was a HUGE hit.  Apple Pie even said, "This is the best one!"  We made story and idea discs.  Some people used it for home-made game pieces.  Others created memory games.  It was fun!  And selfies with some of my favorite kids also makes me truly grateful for these children in my life!
Jelly Bean and Raisin
The funny thing about this picture is that Sheila hadn't even had any turkey yet.
They were both completely exhausted after our strenuous 5K!  (Sheila took 3rd!)
I'm grateful for goals.  I finished NaNoWriMo today!  I wrote 90 poems in the month of November.  It wasn't easy.  And some of the poems are pretty pathetic.  But others turned out pretty good.  I love being creative.  And I love this NaNoWriMo tradition that pushes me to grow and do hard things.
Most importantly, I am grateful for my Savior, Jesus Christ.  I am excited to participate in #lighttheworld.  I am excited to decorate for Christmas as we celebrate His birth!
Happy Thanksgiving!


  1. Your days sounds exhausting BUT rewarding!!! 😘

  2. Wow! Celebration like no others! Scott, your shirts are FUN, and your origami turkeys really FUN! So grateful you are the perfect husband for my #1 daughter! Sundy, I think I like your new hair style. It was hard to tell for sure from the pics. But I'll get to see it in person very soon!!! Mom loves YOU!
