To whom it may concern,
...I run out of ideas on how to start my email. I don't want it to be repetitive. Goodness, I'll be on my mission for a couple more months, ;) it's probably going to get a little repetitive. I appoligize in advance.I used to ask my Dad how his day at work went, I never got a good answer and later when I asked him about it, he said he hated that question. Sooooo, I started asking him to rank his day on a scale of 1-10. My week was a 7.
Happy [belated] Halloween! I'm not sure if that is a thing you can attatch belated to, but I just did. Halloween on a mission isn't quite what it is like at home. It has the same rough format, here in the IPM we were instructed to work until about 6 and then if no appointment had been made for the evening to go inside. Sooo, we went inside, ate some pizza, and watched "Love, Kennedy." Full disclosure, I was crying 15 minutes into the movie and it didn't stop. After being inside for a little bit, we met up with our district and played some games. The highlight was when I won Apples to Apples with the pair "Adam Sandler" and "cuddley." 🤷♀️ Haha, it was a good time.
The work here in Highland is rolling forth! I am convinced that most of missionary work is finding. That's actually something I have mixed feelings about. We are called to invite others to come unto Christ, right? We are called to teach. I have heard it said (I feel a song coming on) that members are supposed to find and we are supposed to teach. So, I guess that is my formal invitation to you all; start finding, so your missionaries can start teaching! :) The members here in Highland are great though, everytime we sit down to dinner they have someone who we could visit. It's honestly the best!
We had interviews this week with President and Sister Southward. They are the greatest, when you are with them you can just feel their love. President and I talked about the area, and about the possibility of a different area at the end of the transfer. We shall see, I might stay in Highland, but I could he heading to Rupert! (Sister Stichart is there, and goodness, I hope we're companions again!!)
What else happened this week? We had an AMAZING Stake Relief Society fireside last night, that we took some of our new converts to. We went to little Cristiano's birthday party and ate some good Brazillian food (Cristiano is the young son of a lady that we are teaching). We went to a fun Relief Society activity this week, and got to know one of our wards better! ...I became the designated driver- look out world! It snowed and we got 5 inches, right in time for Halloween!! 4 different ward parties, we tried to make it to all of them, but didn't quite make it. We started to help teach Eric, but then because of unforseen circumstances, both the Sisters who found him and us had to let him go, and now he is being taught by the YSA elders. We started doing Come Follow Me with our district.-All in all a good week!
****NaNoWriMo:Wow, today is day 4 and I am already behind. It has happened before and I believe that I can overcome this setback. [Shoutout to Amy who sent me a peptalk this week, I greatly appreciated and needed it] Last night, I was in full avoidance mode.Here is my problem: I drew a card a night ago that was too much, I don't feel I can do it justice without truly knowing the story. So I pulled out my Preach My Gospel, I pulled out my Bible and read the account 4 different times (thank you Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John), I grabbed "Jesus the Christ" and have been disecting it. I realize that this is NaNoWriMo, and it does not have to be perfect, but I am attempting to write about the only perfect person who has ever lived, more than that, I am writing about my Savior; Jesus Christ, the greatest prophet, the Son of God! I want to get it right.
With all of that said, here is a very imperfect prompt/essay/entry.
Day 1"Lost No More" by Greg K. Olsen
Some say a picture is worth a thousand words; I've never wondered at that phrase until I glanced at this depiction and wondered what story I could pull from it.It says everything, which is so much more than I could ever write. Yet, still, I feel drawn to attempt to share at least a piece of what this painting makes me feel.This picture expresses each of our lives with such accuracy it is startling. I do not pretend, nor would I be so pretentious, as to assume I know what every person has gone through; that is not the point: He knows.I couldn't decide whether the sheep was lost or one of the faithful fold, and then I decided it didn't matter. What matters is the sheep is with Christ, turning to Him for kindness and strength. He is lifting it's head, as He so often does for us.Then there is the sheep at His side, resting. Oh, how delicious that word sounds, and how we all at some point or all points wish to be that lamb.His flock is not far off, grazing together in the light of day.There are so many stories that could be told from a simple painting. So, instead of choosing one and abandoning the others, I will leave you with the unorthadox petition of a story teller: look, ponder, and find your story.****
I love y'all!Philemon 1: 25
Sister DeGooyer
We're Bees
Weekly Temple Pic
Morning P-day Hike (It was 14°)
random picture on my phone
NaNo kick off
"Lost No More" by Greg K. Olsen
Love the picture LOST NO MORE!!! I'm reading a book called The Shepherd Trilogy by Phillip Keller. It contains A shepherd's look at the 23rd Psalm, A shepherd's look at the Good Shepherd and A shepherd's look at the Lamb of God. I love that Sis. DeGooyer is working so diligently at bringing more Lambs into his fold!!!