Saturday, March 21, 2020


The world has changed.  And it has changed quickly.  Most people who read my blog don't need me to explain all that has changed it the world.  Suffice it to say - we are quarantined because of the Covid-19 virus.  People are scared.  There are shortages (short-term) of toilet paper, bread, milk, etc.  Luckily I followed the prophet and had a food storage.  I'm not afraid.  I'm unsettled, but not scared.  My thoughts (if anyone want to know) is that the economics is going to be worse than the disease.  And I am afraid that the government is using "security" and "safety" to take away our freedoms.  But enough about that.
The past few weeks have been eventful in many ways.  Before the quarantine, my grandson went to the doctor.  He couldn't breathe.  Apparently he had the croup.  They gave him a neb treatment.  He is feeling a lot better now.  But I adored the smiling pictures Kiara sent me from the doctor's office.  Even when Skittles is sick, he's a happy boy!
Skittles waiting for the doctor.
Waiting for the Neb Treatment.
My sweet "adopted" girl, Kiera Cook, felt prompted to go back to Utah with her family NOW.  So I spent this week helping her prepare.  Sheila, my other daughter, decided she needed to go home to see her Colorado mom too.  So they left together.  Yesterday.  I already miss them both so much!  They are fugitives of the Corona Virus... trying to get home quickly.  I loved that Sheila called their exodus an "adventure!"
MY daughters... off on their adventure!
I claim all three girls!
Believe it or not, they are not related... they just look related.
Sheila, Kiera & Marmalade
So what have I been doing for the past week?  I have been preparing/organizing my food storage for Scott, Cody, Kiara, Skittles and me.  I have also been cutting LOTS of tubes for Scott's work.  His warehouse is booming, for the time being, because everyone wants bottles for hand sanitizer and soap.
Skittles LOVES the tubes!
This is the sight I am greeted with every time I cut tubes!
Sneaking in....
Playing in the tubes is more fun than monkeys!
These are his favorite toys!
Katia called last night at 11:00 PM (9:00 her time).  She is quarantined to her apartment.  She is safe.  And she was allowed to call and let us know the situation.  I trust God to take care of her.  She's in good hands.
Skittles keeps me happy and grounded the last week....
He loves books.
He wiggled his way across the room to get his favorite book.
He also loves watching Animusic.
He naps best with Grandma!
St. Patrick's Day with mommy!
I'm also grateful for the beauty around me.  This was a sunrise three days ago outside my home:
And I enjoyed the fresh air and beauty with my Kentucky family on a walk yesterday:
Everyone but Scott and Cody
MY kids: Jelly Bean, Apple Pie and Raisin
I'm really not afraid.  I have peace in Christ.  I am grateful for my knowledge of the Plan of Salvation.  I'm grateful my husband holds the priesthood.  God has always looked after me and my small family.  I'm truly blessed.  And I continue to watch the happenings going on around me with awe, but also peace.  I pray that all of my friends and family also have that peace.


  1. Lovely sentiment from my lovely daughter. Stay close to us and the Lord. Mom (loves you)...

  2. There is no greater peace than what the gospel brings! Love you and your family. 🤟
