Sunday, March 29, 2020


What do we do for fun on a Sunday night?  We make bunnies, chicks, unusual somethings, and created unusual, exotic deviled eggs (instead of coloring them).
My purple bunny and yellow chick!
Kiara's chick and blue bunny!
Cody's unusual something!
(He says it's a chick.)
Then the egg creating station.
They used: Mustard, Ranch, Miracle Whip, Syrup, Prickly Pear Syrup, Pickle Relish, Hot Pepper Flakes, Bacon, Garlic, Tomatoes, Sage, Taco Sauce, Celery Salt, Paprika, Tobasco Sauce and many other concoctions.  I tried two of the eggs.  I was not impressed.  But everyone had fun.
This week, Cody has been creating some amazing 3D structures.  Kiara and I have been scrapbooking.  I just thought I'd show you are art area:
And here is Cody's first structure (He's still working on his second structure):
My sister is truly amazing!  She is working on the front lines as a nurse during this pandemic!  Shout out to her!
And I really miss my niece.  She needs to come "home" to Kentucky.
And guess who came home for 2 weeks of quarantine from the Dominican Republic?  My nephew!  He's awesome!  And I'm proud of all he does to serve the Lord.  I love this picture because Tara dressed up for the occasion in her hazmat suit.
And let me end this post with the picture of the cutest kid I know, my grandson:
He gave himself a mohawk when his mother washed his hair.


  1. Y'all make life fun!!!๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿงก๐Ÿ’š

  2. What a good way for me to start this new week - in that it gave me all kinds of ideas for doing things! Being forced to stay in can be encouraging of doing things that matter most - including family things. :) Thanks, Mom
