Friday, April 3, 2020


When I was a teenager, my dad recommended a wonderful book: "Dandelion Wine" by Ray Bradbury.  I've read it many times since.  It's a wonderful book to read in the Spring when the dandelions start to bloom.
Today while on a walk with my grandson, I was enjoying the beauty all around me - including the dandelions.  I realized we had tons of these beautiful, yellow, under-appreciated flowers in our own yard.  So I decided to harvest them.
I made dandelion jelly!  (Kiara helped a bit.)  And guess what?!  It's delicious!  It tastes like honey!  I might need to make more!
(Dad, this is your jar! - Check the mail!)


  1. I LOVE it!!! I think it's fantastic!!! My friend Linda said "That is so cool! Had no idea that could be done! She has a cute helper too!🤟"

  2. So Colorful! So full of Sunshine! So YOU! Mom
