Monday, April 20, 2020


I was writing in my journal yesterday and realized that tomorrow (today) would mark 300 days as a missionary. It kind of hit me, how much time has passed. I think this truly has been the best of times. I've led a good life, but the time I have spent on my mission has been the best. I am completely and fully relying on my Savior, there is nothing like it. I want to someday go back to regular life and have this same pattern- I want to live my best life. 

It's been a minute and so there are a couple things to catch you up on...

Sister Horton and I were called as technology specialists for the mission. It is honestly been so much fun, and I am learning so much! I am grateful President called us to this assignment. It has been keeping us sane during this quarantine. Hahaha, it has been great though. Anyone who knows me knows I love to learn, and so it's been exciting learning and using new skills.

We have also started teaching a new family. Please pray for them. I don't feel like it would be too wise to record their name, I only ask for prayers. I also, feel like I can't record too much about them. However, it sufficeth me to say that they are amazing and are so ready for this gospel. Events in their life are not making it possible for them to be baptized at this time. They need it so bad though, and they want it so bad. So, again, I ask for prayers. Thank you, y'all are the best!

My mind has been turned a lot lately to the state of the world. Liberty and freedom, have been themes, as I have read from my Book of Mormon this week. I don't have too much access to the outside world and news, but what I do hear is not encouraging. As a missionary, we are not to talk too much about politics, so I will refrain. However, I wanted to make it a point and remind everyone of all those battles contained within the Book of Mormon. Our freedoms are so important, it is an easy thing to say, but harder thing to grasp. Here is a quote by President Ezra Taft Benson, given in 1973 and how true it for our day.

"Let us rededicate ourselves to the lofty principles and practices of those wise men whom God raised up to give us our priceless freedom. Our liberties, our salvation, our well-being as a church and as a nation depend upon it. This nation has a spiritual foundation—a prophetic history. Every true Latter-day Saint should love the United States of America—the most generous nation under heaven—the Lord’s base of operations in these last days. May we do all in our power to strengthen and safeguard this base and increase our freedom."

I love you all and will leave you with that invitation and message. God bless! 

Sister DeGooyer
We made a fort!
Unfortunately, they killed their plant.
District Unity - Covid Style
Showing us her mad basketball skills....


  1. I'm glad I can claim a relation. LOL - Sorry Sister Katia. :D

  2. Thanks for sharing. And this letter proves how special she really is. I answered it yesterday - sent her a cherub card. :) Mom
