Tuesday, December 8, 2020


Enjoy some pictures from our week.... I don't remember what happened, but here are some pics from 4 different angles.

P.S.  Our hermanas left us this week and so that was rough.  They're all going where God needs them.  That didn't make saying goodbye any easier.

P.S.S.  We got in a car accident with a semi on the freeway this week.  Definitely a blessing that we came out alive.  A totaled car, and one concussion later, we are doing alright!  God defintiely protected us; we saw and felt angels that day.

P.S.S.S. My studies this week were a little hard (because of the concussion: light sensitivity and headaches), it's been difficult focusing (my heart goes out to Hermana Martinez) but I had a blast lighting the world!  God is good and I am immensely grateful for my Savior!

What Is It Like To Be A Stone?
[inspired by Youngsung Kim's painting: Lord of Prayer]

What is it like to be a stone?
I will tell you
It is to sit in a garden for what feels like an eternity
It is to carry the bodies of men weary with a long day of work
It is to sit under the unbearable heat, of a noon day sun
It is to hear gatherings and celebrations far away - it is to imagine

What is it like to be a stone?
I will gladly tell you
It is to watch men grow and to silently cheer them on
It is to feel the rain fall fast and hard; slow and steady
It is to be a constant listener and confident
It is to not give advice

What is it like to be a stone?
I will solemnly tell you
It is to watch a far off gathering of 13 men
It is to be leaned upon and prayed upon by a God
It is to witness the most heart wrenching and glorious sacrifice in the history of a limited existence
It is to catch the tears and blood of one far greater

What is it like to be a stone?
I will sadly tell you
It is to hear cries and an army in the distance calling for a great man's death
It is to wait and watch wondering in innocent ignorance
It is to bare the grieving of a mother drawn to a garden
It is to experience and watch, but not see

What is it like to be a stone?


This is the good news, friends! He died, but He lives!  He lives and so does His gospel!

I made brownies and they turned out good!
I felt like Peter Pan
Highland Zone = best zone
Malabootie in honor of Hermana Martinez
The Dream Team
Sunglasses 😎
At the seminaries
Martinez's puppers
We made paintings

1 comment:

  1. My tummy does a flip flop when I think about that accident...I'm so very grateful she's is more or less OK! Mil/Mom
