Monday, December 21, 2020


 Another week for the books! I hope everyone had a fantastic "before Christmas" week! This is truly one of the best times of the year, right up there with General Conference time! 

We started off the week with an exchange. I got to again visit Poky West, but this time with Sister Thalman- who is an incredible missionary. 

We went caroling twice in one day! First, we went to an old folks home. Later we went with the youth in our ward, to a couple families in our ward. Both times were incredibly fun and uplifting. I didn't think the first one would happen, but after making lots of calls we got an appointment and almost the entire zone showed up which was heart warming for both me and the people we sang to. We met an older gentlemen named Noel, who sang every word with us and let me tell you, Noel could sing! He led our little choir and requested we sing "The First Noel" as our last song. :) We had a blast with the youth, they are some incredible people and even better friends. 

We found 6 new people to teach this week, with a potential of 6 more in the coming weeks! It was neat to see how God truly led our path-- He knows where his sheep are!

Sister Sifford and I have been gearing up for Christmas, it was amazing to see the turnout for Christmas Sunday. The programs were incredible, and the musical numbers fantastic! Both of our Bishop's spoke and got me pumped for 2021! It's going to be an amazing year. 

My family has a tradition that I absolutley love, every year we give a gift to Jesus- it is something that we determine to do next year. I have decided that my focus for 2021 is going to be: gratitude, forgiveness, and repentance. I am so excited to ponder more on this plan and set my goal this week on December 24th! 

We had a lot of highlights this week, but the greatest hightlight of all was attending a baptism yesterday! We got to attend Elder Morel and Elder McGee's baptism. The spirit was so strong. I got to witness for the first time in my life- which was so powerful. Sister Sifford and I went up to congratulate her after and we asked her how she felt. She said she felt incredibly light, as if she could float away. She told us that her hands that always hurt, weren't hurting anymore. She was radiant! It was an incredible experiance to be a witness of. She had been waiting so long for this message and she was and is most definitely one of God's elect! 

I hope everyone has a merry Christmas! I hope that we can each take a little bit of time to ponder on the significance of Christ's birth; ponder on the wonder and majesty of that humble beginning and everything that has and will follow. Ponder on this upcoming year and who God wants you to become? What will He ask of you this year? How will you become a better follower and disciple of Christ. What parts of you will he heal or break down so that you can be built up in the perfect way? We're almost rid of 2020, what have you become because of the struggles and challenges and hardships that you faced--- what will you continue to become? 

I love you all infinitely more than I can express-- now take that love and triple it by a billion and eternity and think of your Heavenly Father. He loves you with a love that is always reaching out. Let Him change you through His firstborn's sacrifice. Merry Christmas!

Sister DeGooyer 

P.S. I got to see my three Gaydra's this week! I love them so much! Thank you for coming! 

P.S.S. An explanation of the title is necessary. We were trying to visit people and we had set a pretty lofty goal. It was 7 at night and no one was letting us in. So we parked the car and I started singing another one bites the dust and it came to me! God loved that we had set a goal, but in our heartfelt, sincere, earnest prayers, we were forgetting one thing: "Thy will be done." So, we said another prayer, this time praying specifically for our goals and then turning it to Him, awknowledging our good desires, but stating that He knows best. We knocked on the next door, we got a phone number and return appointment. God is so good! 

P.S.S.S. Sister Sifford almost ran over a squirrel this week..... I screamed, she screamed, it was one of the best moments of our companionship. 
Lunch with Sister Macbeth 
Our relationship in a picture 
random picture of us being hungry 
rando pictures of me dancing........ haha..... your welcome
We wanted to jump in the snow bank.... 4 days after it snowed.... ouch


  1. Katia makes life fun and with her sparkling joy in the gospel, she's defiantly 1 of a kind :) <3

  2. We had fun last Friday at lunch. Just being with Sister DeGooyer is a real upper! She is positively a dedicated missionary...
    Mom/Gma Mil
