What a weekend! Easter is one of my favorite holidays! (It's up there with Christmas and DeGooyer Day.) I love celebrating the most important event in the history of ... well... of FOREVER! I am so grateful for the Savior, Jesus Christ, and His sacrifice for me. I love how Dieter F. Uchtdorf explained this momentous event: "On Easter Sunday we celebrated the most long-awaited and glorious event in the history of the world. On that day, my life changed. Your life changed. The destiny of all God's children changed."
What makes this year's Easter celebration even better is being able to listen to later-day prophets all weekend long. General Conference is the best! So this is how our weekend went down:1. The Easter Bunny dropped off Easter baskets.
Skittles read it to us.
And he was good at it!
It's because all the practice he has had
I was lucky to get this picture.
He and Skittles are adorable together...
although they are complete opposites.
At least it wasn't a ninja pose with a grimace -
5. Sunday we invited the sister missionaries over to watch with us. We ate our traditional breakfast of sweet rolls, sausage/cheese balls, and scrambled eggs. YUMMMMM!
6. We watched conference! It was glorious! And there was a LOT of excitement at the announcement of a new temple being built in Grand Junction, Colorado! (I could hear my parents, brothers and sister shouting for joy all the way across the country. And my daughters' claim that their ears are still ringing from the joyful screams that I admitted at the news!)
7. We had a quiet, Easter dinner of ham, funeral potatoes, salad and rolls. Another win for delicious food!
I love his Easter outfit.
And he loved posing with the bunnies!
And here are a couple of random pics:
Yes, we have a snake.
And yes, our snake, Kalek, is still doing well.
And I love seeing my daughters spend quality time together!
Gotta admit you have one cute grandson and I have an even cuter great grandson! Lovely Conference weekend and Easter! We are blessed. Mom/Mil