Saturday, November 6, 2021


November is time to write a novel!  And we are continuing the tradition, except instead of NaNoWriMo, we are celebrating FaNoWriMo (Family Novel Writing Month).  The change is due to not wanting to support the progressive agendas that National Novel Writing Month has been promoting this year.  We feel that writing should be fun and a political-free-zone.  Sooooooo Scott made us shirts.  And Cody is still working on creating a website for us.  And we are ALL writing and working towards are goals.

Our FaNoWriMo Participants
(minus Katia and Skylar - who also got shirts.)
Scott's writing was interrupted by these two cuties: Starburst and Skittles.
Raisin wrote 5 words!
And then she ate all the candy!
Candy and Soda make the kick-off fun!
We love writing!
Scott and I also went for a two day vacation to Indiana.  The Jets were playing the Colts (or as our foreign exchange student, Luise, used to call them: the Ponies) on Thursday night.  We went to the game.  The Jets first and second quarterbacks got hurt and they had to put in their 3rd string.  It made for kinda a depressing game for Jets fans.  But we enjoyed the time together, and we enjoyed wearing our green and white. 

J-E-T-S!  Jets! Jets! Jets!
The next day, we got to go to the Indianapolis temple for a session.  It was absolutely beautiful, gorgeous and peaceful.  The difference between a football game and worshipping in the House of the Lord was extreme!  We both agreed that the temple was our favorite activity!

Scott insisted I needed a picture by myself in front of the temple....
He looks so handsome!
I love our eternal relationship - thanks to the restored gospel!
We ended the day watching the new James Bond movie, "No Time to Die."  It was surprising good!  I'm not a huge Bond fan, but this one was exciting, fun, thought-provoking, and a tear jerker.  I actually had headaches the rest of the night from crying in the theater.

And I must add... that we really missed our grandson while we were gone.  So here are a couple of pics from my favorite grandson (so far).

Could he be any cuter?!
These two boys are some of my favorites!
This was where Skittles fell asleep during nap time.
I heard him leave his bed, and he thought he was being so quiet and pulling a fast one on grandma.
I pretended to not hear him and he got bored enough to sleep.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing your weekend with us. I'm glad you got to have it together! Spencer's "hallway picture"... You should write down the date on which he was able to stretch from wall to wall and see how long it takes him to outgrow that spot. We should all make guesses about how soon that happens - and the winner will be our "toddler expert" for this year. :) Gma Mil
