Sunday, November 21, 2021

#thankssage AND SANTA

 My crazy co-ed and her crazy cousins decided to serve chicken nuggets and apple cider to unsuspecting elevator riders.  Yes... they dressed up and had a lovely candle-light treat for the unaware "guests."  How fun!

Katia - Shanae - Sage
Mmmmm, nuggets!
Can't stop laughing....
Silly and Beautiful!
And afterwards... Kiwi Loco!
I love my beautiful, young, fun-loving, sweet, talented, baby girl!
And then... Skittles got to see Santa!  He was nervous, but smiled because "grandma was going to blog the picture." (I've got him trained.)

He's so adorable!
I love my grandson!
He makes life soooo much fun!


  1. Goodness! Was the elevator thing totally original? Whose idea was it?And my three GRANDS participated? Ohhhhh... I'm not sure what I'd have done if I'd stepped onto the elevator. Well, I can think of a couple of things... one I won't write about - or the other one either! :) Gma
