Tuesday, December 7, 2021


 Katia is really loving being at BYUI with a LOT of her cousins!  Sunday Cousin Dinners are a THING! #thankssage  And I love sending a care package every once in awhile to help them celebrate the holidays.  The Christmas care package was for ALL of my nieces and nephew... but they weren't all able to show up for the opening.  These are the pictures I got:

Shanae, Rachel, Sheila, Ben and Katia
Hats, M&Ms, Tree and Scarves were all part of the care package.
I also sent hot chocolate and tree decorations!
And then, on Sunday, the celebrated their "last" Cousin Dinner of the year 2021 with a White Elephant Gift Exchange.  I love these random pictures I get!

Looks crazy fun!
And again... because White Elephant is serious business.
I'm so grateful for family and that Katia is getting these great experiences with her cousins: Shane, Sheila, Sage, Rachel and Chance.  (And some adopted cousins: Ben and Kate)

Also... our ward Christmas party was last Saturday.  I was asked to play all of the secular piano songs.  And I lead the opening and closing hymn.  The best part?  Spencer waved his arm to conduct the ward with me.  It was such a precious memory.  (Thanks to Karen Barker, our RS President, for taking pictures of the moment.)

Joy to the World
He loves conducting music.
In other news... I have joined a club: Toastmasters.  I actually joined in June.  And I LOVE it!  And I LOVE the new friends I've made.  If anyone is wanting to learn more about public speaking and leadership, this is a club for you.  I'd love to share!  Tonight, we had our Christmas party.  This is our crazy group:

The "in house" gang of Toastmasters
(on the phone/Zoom: Rick and Megan)
Savannah and my daughter
Aren't they cute?!
My son, Sheri and Teresa
Arlynn and Hal
Angie, Charlie and Savannah
We joked that he was surrounded by young beauties!
My and my better half!
He's sooooo wonderful and supportive of me!
I loved celebrating with my grandson, and kiddos too!
I love my Lillywhites!
And Megan zoomed in from California.
I LOVE Megan!


  1. Love it! Love those cousins 💕

  2. So, "those cousins" just phoned and sang Happy Birthday to me. What a sweet thing to do! I'm extremely glad they have gotten to be together this semester too - a real blessing in many ways. :)
    Thanks for sharing Toast Masters too. The pictures of you and
    Spencer doing the music are darling! Love YOU, Mom/Gma Mil
