Friday, December 24, 2021


Where should I begin?  It has been a busy and happy two weeks.  It started with painting.  Yes, the family that paints together, stays together.
top left: Cody
top right: Scott
bottom left: Sundy
bottom right: Kiara
And Scott has been having a lot of fun at work....  Ugly sweaters, decorating gingerbread houses, and potlucks.
I'm sooo proud of how his shirt turned out.
I made the gnome ornaments just for my husband!
Cody and his team with their creation!
Scott with co-builders and their gingerbread abode!
And I got to celebrate beautiful music and the joy I have from teaching incredible kids at my annual Christmas recital.  These kids are truly amazing!
I love these kids.  One is missing due to strep throat, but she facetimed in for the program!
And then... DATE NIGHTS:
Our favorite: Qdoba
And the temple!
I watched cheesy Halmark-y Christmas movies with Kiara:
And I read a couple of great Christmas books:
And We looked Christmas-y for Church (and had a nursery Christmas party):
And Skittles loves to decorate Grandpa like a Christmas tree:
And Skittles LOVES singing Christmas songs:
I'll definitely be posting more about Christmas Eve and Christmas Day later.  But in the mean time, "Merry Christmas to all!  And to all a good night!"

1 comment:

  1. I don't know Nicole yet, but I think I like her, so "ditto"! "Grateful for you, Sundy, Scott, Cody, Kiara and Spencer". Merry Christmas!
