Monday, July 22, 2019


I came home from a church activity last night to brownies and the laundry started!  My nephew, Kade, spoiled me rotten!  He's been living with us for about a month!  And he's so much fun!  The best part?!  He's super into discussing the gospel and philosophy with us!  He's an asset to family home evenings and our spiritual experiences during family counsel.  He also is fun to play games with!  I'm not sure I'm going to let him go home to his parents... he just "fits" in!
Kade DeGooyer
(Has a nice ring?!  Right?  And his name starts with a K!)
Also... we've had a lot of fun the past two weeks:
We don't have AC.... So, in order to cool off, we went to the Bluegrass Outlet Mall for pretzels and frozen lemonade.  Yeah, we're awesome like that!
Scott - Sheila - Skittles - Kiara - Kade - Me
Last week, Scott, Kiara, Skittles and I went to see Spiderman: Far From Home.  We LOVED it!
And on Friday, the WHOLE CREW went to see The Lion King.  It was fun to spend time with these crazy peeps!  But the original animated version is better.
Yup.... we love our expanding family!
Scott got bees!  We have two hives.  We call the one on the left: Queen Navani, and on the right: Queen Luxa.  Can't wait to harvest!
The hives....
Look!  They are so beautiful!


  1. Can't believe how your family has grown! With Kiara and Cody, Kade and Sheila, and Spencer, life must be positively whizzing by! Hugs to all! Mil, Gma Mil and GGma Mil
