Wednesday, July 24, 2019


Hello All, 

This past week and a half was CRAZY! The last couple days in the MTC were great. It was hard to see the whole district leave (Sister Stichart and I were the last to leave). We drove 3 hours to the great city of Pocatello ID (known to the missionaries here as Poky). We stopped first at the Missionary Office where we received A LOT of instruction and unfortunately I can only remember some of it....... oh well, that's what a trainer is for... right?! President and Sister Southward met us right as we came off the bus which was exciting and nerve wracking and a whole bunch of other things. ;) 

We then went to the Mission home where we had a wonderful dinner of Hamburgers- which made a nice change after the MTC food. Not too long after that we got our companions and assignments. I have been assigned to Highland 1, with Sister Coleman. We are over 6 wards here which is kind of insane. Sister Coleman is the best and has been helping me make the adjustment from MTC life to real life. She is from Texas and has been out 14 months!  

Since I've been in the area I've knocked on a lot of doors... which have turned out to be members. I have tried to teach English to a wonderful lady who only speaks Portuguese- she's not a member, but her husband is. I've received a lot of water bottles and cookies. ;) Met two confirmed Atheists who really did not want to talk to my Companion and I. Knocked on my Mission President's door (he's in our area). Gotten a home cooked meal every night! :P I've gone to a zone shindig- training- thing. AND I have gone to six different Sacrament meetings in one day!

The work is challenging, but I am enjoying every minute. I appreciate all the emails, and I apologize if I haven't written back to everyone. Today we didn't have too much time. We were super busy, we had a multi zone get together at a place called Geronimos. It's a jump park, and it was super fun! No pictures... but maybe next time! I love y'all and wish you all a great week! 

Sister DeGooyer 

 *Nehemiah 6:3 "I am doing a great work, so that I cannot come down!" (emphasis added ;P ) 

P.S. The lesson of the week was that I am not doing this for myself. I am here to serve the Lord- once I defined my purpose everything became more clear. I was able to more fully love the people and the beautiful place of Idaho! 
Saying goodbye to Sister Stichart was hard...
Meeting her Mission President and Wife!
(She took a lot more pictures, but I wasn't able to open the photos.  I'll figure it out by next week.)


  1. LOVE IT!!! She is going to grow so much and be such a beautiful asset to the great state of ID!!! <3

  2. Great week for you - there in Poky! For you two to be over six wards is something else. One things for sure - you won't be going hungry. Your mission pres and wife look like very nice people. I'm sure you will be their favorite too... Love You, Grandma Mil
