Friday, June 11, 2021


Once in awhile, I just get the urge to create.  Kiara and I made a few examples... And then we invited some of our favorite people to come join us in the fun!  We purchased golf balls and let everyone do their own thing.  This was the result:

- Raisin loved making monsters - Jelly Bean made an incredible spider -
- Apple Pie is really artistic with his balls and planets - Marmalade made a monster and a fox - 
- Nuts created Poky from Super Mario Brothers - Nicole made some bugs for her garden - 
- My pig and chick - Amy's cool emoji and mouse are incredible -
These are the one's Kiara and I created earlier...
Raisin put her monsters in the castle.
I love making things with friends!  I'm glad Amy and Nicole are a part of my life!  They are my sisters here in Kentucky when I'm missing my biological sister!  I'm sooooo blessed!  And I love all their kids too!  I'm glad they share them with me!
Speaking of loving kids... what blog post is complete without sharing more random photos of Skittles!  My grandson really is photogenic and adorable!  Check it out:  
Chewing on a meat stick and sporting his fedora.
Is there anything more cute?!  I think not!
Skittles LOVES his quilt from Aunt Kelly.
He begs us to get it out and then we ask him to find the different items and animals on the quilt.  It's one of his favorite toys.  We use it EVERY day!  He likes us to get down on the ground with him when we search for the different items!
Too much cuteness!
The more I look at this picture of Starburst and Skittles, the more I giggle.
This kid is super cool!


  1. The fedora and meet stick pic - gets me right here... 🤣
    Love your creations!!!

  2. I’m so grateful for my sweet friends!!! Great blessings in this life and forever! 🥰

  3. I am sooo anxious to copy your golf ball idea. I even have the golf balls all bought and ready! Wish I still had the big bottles of paint that got left in G.J. though...
    I quick brag too. The picture (#5 down) of you, Scott and Spencer is beautiful of YOU. I have a beautiful daughter!
    Love YOU ALL, Gma Mil/Mom
