Sunday, June 25, 2023


Scott isn't a cowboy at all.  But he IS 50!!!!!!!  We celebrated by going to Brazeiros for all you can eat Brazilian churrascaria.  He enjoyed it soooo much!  I'm so grateful I married this amazing man 27 years ago.  He is fun, a hard worker, creative, spiritual, and kind.  He is the cutest 50 year old I know!  And he only gets better with age!  Happy Birthday, my better half!

Scott makes 50 look GOOD!
We had a fun Toastmasters meeting a few weeks ago where we talked about selfies!  We all practiced making the "duckface" selfie.  Here's mine:

My daughters got to see Nathan!  No fair!  I wanna see him too!  He went on a college tour and ended up in Rexburg.  It made this mama's heart so happy to see the relationships Amy and I worked so hard for keep lasting into their adult lives.  They loved spending time with their "brother from another mother."

Kiara, Nathan, Skylar, Katia, Cody and Skittles
"MY" children!
Yes, I claim all three!
Kiara is giving my grandson such great memories: they went to the rodeo with their friends: Laura and Peanut Butter.  Peanut Butter is Skittle's best friend.  And Kiara LOVES Laura.  They had a great time.  Kiara said that Skittles especially loved the food.

Gettin' Ready!
Future Cowboy?
She always wanted to be a Cowgirl!
Livin' the dream!
Laura, Peanut Butter, Skittles and Kiara
Here are a few miscellaneous pictures to brighten your day:

This is what happens when you ask a 4 year old to get ready for church.
He can't button the buttons on his shirt.  Ha ha ha!
He played too hard.  He put himself to bed in the middle of the day.
My friend, Jan, visited from Colorado!
I sure love her!
Again... Skittles can fall asleep anywhere when he's exhausted.
I LOVE this boy!


  1. I have always know Kiara was meant to be my girl! ;) Yehaw!
    Scotty does look good at 50. Here's to another 50 Scott!
    Fun time - Love you all!

  2. Wish ya'll could been here for our rodeo. We even got to see a fist fight for no extra fee.
