Wednesday, July 17, 2024


My baby girl turned 24! Where did the time go? She has become a beautiful young woman, wife, and soon-to-be mother. I'm so proud of all she does. And I was happy to celebrate my daughter on her special day!
My beautiful Kotten Kandy!
Donuts on her birthday.
Red Robin - Katia LOVES donuts and hamburgers!
She also loves Ale8
Funny Gifts
Shortly after her birthday, she came to our home to celebrate Independence Day. It was a perfect day! 
We went to the parade with Scott's brother and sisters. Mandy's 5 year old son and my almost 24 year old son were the most fun to watch as they excitedly gathered candy. I was grinning from ear to ear.
Stacey, Scott, Brett, Kerri
(just missing Kevin)
Silly boys!
Katia, Skylar, Scott, Me
Love Us!
Crazy is as crazy does!
The Browns
Then we had a huge picnic with my family, Scott's family, and Skylar's family all in attendance. We visited, ate good food, and listened to my Americana playlist. I truly loved everyone there and felt so blessed. I only missed my oldest daughter and her wonderful family.
We stayed up late watching the fireworks with the Browns. It was comfortable and fun and happy.
I love America. I love my family. I loved spending the day celebrating both.
The dynamic duo!
Sparkler fun!
My Son
My Baby
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that this firework looks like music notes!
Kiara, Cody and Red Skittle also celebrated with friends and fireworks. The following day they also went to the Renaissance Fair. We missed them, but glad they are happy and doing good things.
With friends!
At the fireworks!
(Kiara's in trouble... she didn't take many pictures for me.)
The next day we spent time at the temple, visiting with Stacey and Brett, and holding Zane's cute pigs.
Scott and I officiated the endowment session....
More cute pictures from Kiara:
Red Skittle got to finally get his birthday
ice cream from Grandma and Grandpa
Playing with friends!
Sometimes you just gotta nap.
And here's the baby bump. She's due in 2 1/2 weeks! My guess: July 30th. Scott guesses: August 4th.

Isn't she adorable?!
Jude needed to photo bomb...
I am drying some flowers from McCallister Gardens.
They are gorgeous!
This is the plant that was in my childhood home. It's HUGE! 
I used to have to mayonnaise the leaves on this plant to make them shine.
It hasn't bloomed for a while... so this is fun!

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