Monday, December 17, 2018


I'm completely drained. I'm also completely merry and joyful!  We have been partying for almost an entire week...  And here's the overview:
Scott and I absolutely love our calling in the YSA branch!  These kids are super special to us!  I love each and every one of them!  And I'm glad that some of them enjoy coming over to our house to hang out!  We loved feeding, playing games and singing Christmas carols with these cook kids Thursday night!
Cedrick - Andrew - Alexes - Matt
Sister Morris - Sister McEvoy - Jessica - Ionin
Me - Scott
Sister McEvoy is a kindred spirit!
Friday night, Scott, Katia, Amy and I got to get dressed up for the Container Packaging Party at Brazeiros.
We look good!
Love this guy!
Missing 3 other best friends (Mom, G.J. and Kiara)!
But I'm so glad I get to be with two of my BFFs tonight!
Amy - Me - Katia
Brazilian BBQ, baby!  YUMMMMM! And the company was delightful!  I really do enjoy Scott's co-workers!  I took tons of pictures because I love them all!  And the movies this year were hilarious!  My brothers are CRAZY!
Crazy Container Crew!
He's LOVIN' the BBQ!
Scott and Brian
Here's their awkward pic!
Katia - Amy
Pierre - Chris
Blake - Dominique
What a great bunch of people!
I also took a few pictures earlier in the week of Scott's Kentucky team.  Scott made matching shirts for them all!
The Leads
The Crew
On Saturday we celebrated Hammond's graduation from college... and then we were invited to play with some of my favorite people!  We sure do love this crazy, group!  We played really fun games and ate delicious food!  And it's always great to visit with friends whom we truly love!
Mark - Amy - Katia - Sheba - Jason - Asher
Scott - Maeva - Doug - Trina
Me - Marisa - Mike - Sheila
We got to share Christmas dinner with our YSA kids on Sunday after church.  Have I mentioned that Scott and I love every single one of these guys?!  We also love the men and women we get to serve with!  We are truly blessed.
Karen - Susan - Gail - Me
These two gorgeous girls sang a duet for Church.
They sounded like angels!
Katia - Kali
I love selfies!
(BTW the ugly sweaters were so great that I took pictures of all the participants with their contribution.)
Sister Morris
Sister McEvoy
Today I got to go bowling and eat lunch with my Inter-State-Studio "family".  I love my job!  And I love my co-workers!  I'm truly blessed!
Misty - Stephanie - Shanara - Nathan - Lance - Will
Edie - Heather - Misty - Kerri - Penny - Me
I won!
Great friends/co-workers!
How spoiled have we been this week?!  I feel so fortunate and blessed to have so many people to love at this time of year!  I'm truly grateful for all of these marvelous, wonderful, kind, and fun people in my life!

1 comment:

  1. It's true - you are spoiled/blessed. At swimming today, a gal said -after talking to another swimmer for a few minutes - "I bet people think I'm a blabber mouth cause all I do is talk". I said, "Some of us think you are way friendly and wish we had as many friends..." I would say the same to you...! It is very good when you are on the upper end of your life!!! Love YOU muchly, Mom
