Wednesday, November 13, 2019


This week went by way to fast, but all is well here in the Highland of Pocatello!  We've been doing a lot of planning and working with the members this week.  Members are sooo important, y'all!

This has all in all been an interesting week.  I've been delving into Jesus the Christ, the four gospels, and praying a lot.  There have been moments of great understanding and moments where I honestly have been in awe of who my Savior is and what He has done for me.  I do not understand His sacrifice, but I yearn to.  Even though the path to that understanding will be hard, I know that it is through those hard things we can come to truly know our Savior.

I got to listen to Alex Boye this week.  He talked a lot about expectations and believing in oneself.  It is hugely important.  He talked about "Godfidence."  It was truly amazing, and I am so excited to implement some of the things he talked about, including writing down all my expectations for my mission, and making them happen.

I love y'all and hope your weeks are amazing!  Keep on serving others!

Sister DeGooyer

Our little missionary group
We got to tour a castle on P-Day.
Forget the clown car - we have a missionary car...
How many missionaries?!
Weekly temple pic
One of the Elders accidentally broke our windshield.

I got really sick.
I am so grateful for Sister Done's care
and the Elder's giving me a blessing.
I'm driving now.


  1. ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿงก๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’™ that missionary!

  2. Fun pics of your group of missionaries! How does a windshield get accidentally broken? Sick???!!! And that driver sure is a cutie!
